When teams and managers are reshuffled, open and honest communication is required. And the willingness to get involved in the new situation, even if it is difficult.

First of all, it is helpful to understand that difficulties in adapting to change processes are completely normal. A manager should try to accept the new management position with confidence and make a clear distinction between the evaluation of their role and their personality. Because in this case the team is probably referring to the role and not meaning it personally. The manager can signal: I will do everything to create a good and trusting collaboration.

In my experience, in change situations, three very classic basic needs often emerge among employees due to concern and uncertainty:

In the current situation, these needs initially falter. If the manager knows the needs and concerns of the employees and empathizes with the team’s situation, it helps all sides to make collaboration easier.

It’s old hat, but: The first 100 days are crucial for the manager and the team to grow together. We see this again and again in our consultations. It is an opportunity for everyone, even if it presents challenges. So what can a manager do to create a trusting working atmosphere and find out where the rejection they receive comes from? Here are a few tips:

If the manager still has the feeling for several weeks that the team is rejecting them, it helps to be approachable and stick with it despite all the difficulties. For example, she can repeat the team workshop and delve deeper into the topics. It is also important to continually reflect on yourself during the process. In this context, external help in the form of consultants and coaches can also help. Managers also have the opportunity to talk to their own manager and work with them to find solutions. If the rejection comes from individual people, it also helps to have targeted individual discussions and discuss where the difficulties in working together lie.

It is important to continually address difficulties as well as initial positive developments and not to shy away from arguments: What is working well? What not? What is needed? Where else can I support in my new role? Employees should notice: My manager takes the topic and our concerns seriously. This is how they create bond and trust.

My advice especially for young managers: Pay attention to your energy balance in all conflicts and difficulties. Managers always operate in a tension between the company, the team and individual employees. On the one hand, the requirements of the company must be met, and on the other hand, the expectations of the team. That’s a lot and often a real balancing act. Managers should therefore take good care of themselves and their own needs and divide their strength. And find out for yourself what is good for you so that you can carry out your new management position in the best possible way and with joy and fun.

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