“It is definitely clear to us that humanitarian aid must not be politicized,” she said. In the past two years, repeated attempts have been made to put pressure on the Taliban to end their inhumane policies in connection with international support.

“But they didn’t let themselves be impressed at all,” said Gottschalk. In this respect, a pragmatic attitude must be adopted in the interests of the Afghans. “The West needs to engage in more dialogue with the Taliban,” she said. It’s not about recognizing them. “But whether we like it or not, we have to work with them.”

A representation of Germany on site is urgently needed. “No message, but the German government must form its own picture of the situation in Afghanistan,” said Gottschalk. Then it would be easier to establish contacts in order to establish a channel of communication with those in power.

In the summer of 2021, international troops withdrew from Afghanistan after almost 20 years. After a rapid advance across the country, the Taliban retook control of the country on August 15 and proclaimed an “Islamic Emirate”. Since then, numerous liberties have been curtailed and girls and women in particular oppressed.