
The House recently passed a significant defense bill that includes a provision for automatic enrollment in the Selective Service for young men between the ages of 18 and 26. This provision aims to make the registration process more efficient and equitable by using federal databases to register individuals, ensuring that any future military draft is fair. The bill also seeks to reallocate resources towards military readiness rather than spending on education and advertising campaigns for registration.

The Selective Service has a long history in the United States, dating back to World War I. While the draft ended in 1975, there have been efforts to reinstate it during times of crisis. The current bipartisan effort to expand the Selective Service includes proposals to require women to register as well, effectively doubling the draft pool.

While there is a growing consensus among liberals and conservatives on expanding the Selective Service, there are concerns about the infringement of individual liberties. The American Civil Liberties Union argues that the Selective Service is an example of overt sex discrimination and calls for the right of women to be conscripted. However, mandatory conscription is seen as an immoral institution that goes against the principles of individual freedom and liberty.

The debate over mandatory national service continues, with some advocating for unity and others emphasizing the strength of an all-volunteer military. The Selective Service is viewed as a relic of fear and should be abolished rather than made more efficient and equitable. The focus should be on maintaining a strong and free citizenry who can decide when to fight, rather than relying on mandatory conscription.