The funny animal world, and their serious research (87): hermit crabs are probably the best example of symbiosis in deneme bonusu the Fauna.

Some of the specimens are bold, others shy photo: Sea Tops

In the report, the CIA agent, Amaryllis Fox, which wanted to prevent in Pakistan, the Delivery of nuclear bombs in a suitcase format to al-Qaeda, is it about your family, the kitchen table gathered: “Our hermit crabs Freddie and Laura hid in her Terrarium on the sideboard.”

The crabs protect their unarmoured abdomen with an empty Shell, you are like a sea anemone plant. You defended the tentacles of the cancer with their toxic and he eats it, he stirs up the sea floor, according to Aas. Your relationship referred to as “probably the best example of symbiosis”. If the cancer has searched for a new home because the old one is too tight, he touches gently, the sea anemone, it releases the shell and he wears it on his scissors to the new one. One of its pincers is bigger than the other, with her, he can close in case of danger, the Opening of the Snail shell.

The Norwegian Explorer Thor Heyerdahl said in his book “Fatu Hiva” (1974), it is from the “life experiment” of his wife and him on a South sea island that you woke up once on the beach, because thousands of hermit crabs, as small as grains of rice, the largest as large as a child’s fist, over and crawled.

Heyerdahl wondered how the “smallest creature” already knows that it must quickly search for an empty Snail-shell “of suitable size”? To this end, he sought, as the son of a Darwinian-minded mother, “the empty notion of ‘instinct'” as his wife Liv called this “scientific camouflage of ignorance”.

The search for a new Shell before the old one is at the next moult, to closely, makes up a large part of the hermit crab lives, and that a suitable house is stolen, is not rare. The most luck, the cancers to have, if you find a Snail shell, covered with barbed polyps,: “Whose colonies can expand the housing to the entrance of the Snail shell, so that the cancer does not have to move,” explains

Heyerdahl questioned whether the hermit crabs think of something. A lie to the Dromia-crab, the zoologist and ethnographer: “you know you must go on the search for a particular sponge, the collecting, and on their carapace mounting.” This sponge is well taken care of and quickly larger than the crab itself, so that it is camouflaged including soon “perfectly”. A different type of Crab will do the same with “boys can represent seaweeds”.

The hermit crabs, the researchers couple attacked on the beach, Fatu Hiva, had no sea anemones or similar to coral-like in their shells. “What could you have arranged to Rob us of the night’s rest was hard to tell. Like people some of them were probably in search of food, according to a Partner for love, or for an apartment.“

The Heyerdahl had during the day, an old sanctuary ransacked, it was taboo. Such a Violation is punished with misfortune insured the Locals to you. For that purpose the Robbery of the hermit crabs belonged to the rational-thinking researchers, however, are not considered.

your search for empty Snail shells he thinks is a “brilliant idea of the body protection”. You could say that about their symbiosis with sea anemones. But the Betasus hermit crabs for the same, “to attest to the ingenious thoughts” and put this with the “empty word ‘instinct'” in one, reflects a Wavering between his boring nature and science education in Oslo and the new “Wild Thinking” of the Polynesians on Fatu-Hiva, where the researcher couple in 1937 and settled.

The Brazilian anthropologist Eduardo Viveiros de Castro sees your dilemma today: In the West, a “subject” of the prevailing “naturalistic view” is – “an insufficiently parsed object”, while in the animist Cosmology of the native American people exactly the opposite is the case: “An object is an incompletely interpreted subject.”

1947 went Heyerdahl of “experimental anthropology” to the “experimental archaeology” and a Expedition on a balsa took a raft named after the Incan God, “Kon-Tiki” From Peru from 7,000 kilometers through the Pacific ocean to the Tuamotu archipelago to prove that the Polynesians to accept once as the voice researchers, the South sea Islands were populated from Asia through Micronesia and Melanesia, but from the other side – from Peru: the Humboldt current, and the Passat wind.

But it is about hermit crabs, the last of the raided Thor and Liv Heyerdahl on Fatu Hiva: The next Morning, she saw that something else was happening: they were not the victims of the cancers, but, rather, a perpetrator – by were placed in the dark in the midst of an “over-populated beach community” to Sleep.

What moves the hermit cancer research today? British scientists found, as they write in the Proceedings of the Royal Society: “hermit crabs have character” – there are different personalities among them. The researchers had subjected the mirror to three beaches, hermit crabs, a behavior test: “they raised the animals from the water and imitated the attack of a Predator. Then they put the crab back on the Sand and measured the time until they ventured out of her protective shell ends. Then the researchers brought the crabs to the lab, where they subjected them to after a few days and re-Test. The evaluation made it clear that certain cancers have revealed certain personality traits: Some were more brave. They needed less time to venture to a terrible situation out of their hiding places, as other, more timid representatives of their kind.”

scientists at the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Neuroethology meanwhile found out: “The olfactory functions of the crabs is still in an early transitional stage between life in water and on Land.” In the case of moist air it improves.

In evolutionary terms, it seems to be a Back-and-Forth: otters and penguins go back into the water (), and crabs can go on Land. There is even a crab that lives in trees and coconuts fed – the “palm thief”. The law of the sea researcher Elisabeth Mann Borgese speculated, conversely, that our “land-based existence” may or may not be just one “Episode of short duration”. What sounds now in the face of climate warming, however, is a bit cynical.

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