In Baden-Württemberg will reduce the police presence at football games, without that the crime is on the increase.

Freiburg Nord curve is against the new law on the police and against a lot of police during the games photo: Joachim Hahne/imago

FREIBURG taz | Who wants to understand the political landscape in Baden-Württemberg, should be in for a surprise. The Prime Minister, in a “clever” car, and a Diesel means Jeans with holes in them “decadent” and for Angela Merkel (!) pray (!!), – the show – in the Green.

For suggestions on how to bring football fans more confidence and less police on match days, can the Ministry of a senior official with the CDU-the party of the CDU-led interior. By contrast, the SPD-man in terms of football, Sascha Binder, in the past, there is hardly a Law-and-Order-demand (personalized Tickets, long stadium bans) from the left. And the police, of all places, in the supposedly green Idyll of Freiburg shoot with cannons on sparrows.

A “high-eskalativen dealing with football fans, although the location and the fan base are considered to be unproblematic”, the SC-ultra group “Corrillo” the police and your head of and called many, some really grotesque examples. Supported the Freiburg Fans of visiting fans who complain about the rude approach of the Freiburg police at the recent Cup game at the end of October against Union Berlin Fan and fence banners was dragged to the police station, because he was gone all of two weeks with his stand-up place card in the guest Seating area to fence flags to hang up.

representatives of supporters ‘ organisations accuse the Freiburg police, because for a Long time, to create the conditions to ensure that football matches are ostensibly protected by a strong police presence. A theatre guest that visited before the start of the idea for a few minutes to a more expensive seat in the house, a large police operation, in addition to Inge triggers detention, is in any case difficult to imagine.

With its strategy, the Freiburg head is then also the content on a collision course with the in the state of Baden-Württemberg for over two years, practiced de-escalation strategy. To reduce the for police operations, competent officials in the Ministry of the interior, Uwe Stahlmann, promoted with the backing of the Minister, Thomas Strobl, the concept of “stadium alliances” with the aim of the police operations at football matches. “Before each game, the police, the police service, the municipality and the associations meet with their Fan and security officer and to develop a common round concept.”

It was important “to maintain the high level of safety and to reduce the use of police forces”. The impression of many stadium visitors that often Play too many police forces, service to do, share steel man: Forvetbet “If, according to a study by the University of Potsdam all respondents, regardless of whether supporters, clubs or spectators, to say that on game days to a lot of police is there, you have to ask.”

As you can see it in black-and-green-governed Baden-Württemberg, and also in some of the SPD-led land governments seems to be the willingness of large police where they also, according to many neutral observers, far more urgently needed than in football. Otherwise you can see it for example in North Rhine-Westphalia, where the Minister of the interior, Herbert Reul (CDU) officers, the Red-and-Green called for mandatory labelling for police, and officials picked up, the police have a large area to Betretungs and stay banned for football fans and for the smallest offences, such as the short-term Enter a road penalties imposed.

the number of crime is nationwide, in stark contrast to the popular belief, it was dangerous to attend a football game. Baden-Württemberg is communicating the recently, exactly so: “We have, over the years, between 0.5 and 1 injured per game in the first three leagues, with an average of about five crimes per game. In comparison to other large-scale events which is very low.“

A knowledge of the were drawn in the Stuttgart Ministry of the corresponding conclusions. “We have saved since the introduction of the stadium, alliances of 35,000 hours, or nearly 20 percent.” The match Stuttgart had been classified–Frankfurt for many years as a high-risk game. “Now we work with half of the forces.” In Hoffenheim-Leverkusen, it was last with 65 instead of 110 forces. That there was not a single incident, not surprised by steel man: “Because we have a vote with the fans and the club closer, can we use the forces targeted.”

it is reasonable to suggest that in the southwest of Exceptional managed: At the football games, it comes to more crime, and the released forces can take care of other tasks. Recently, the detection rate of Flat is increased drops, it is said in the interior Ministry. A direct connection with the stadium, alliances Bonus veren siteler are not to be provable – but not unlikely.

However, not everyone is ready to take advantage of the fact that there are currently in the South West political backing for a de-escalation course. Nationwide football matches in Freiburg’s Schwarzwald stadium are considered to be peaceful events. However, there is at least one of the people who thinks that this is due to the omnipresence of the Freiburg police. Unfortunately, the head of it.