A third-class East-West-meeting at 9. November. As our author has experienced his relapse in the curve of 1860 Munich.

A curve, many forms: Even if 1860 Munich do not stand together, what belongs together photo: imago images/Hartmut Bösener

the fall of The wall was not a big topic in hall 9. November. Maybe a little bit. But only in the second half of the third League game of TSV 1860 Munich at the Halleschen FC. And all of them have also sung, as it was said: “Ossischweine!” A bit harder was the answer to the “East Germany!”-Chants from the stands of the active Fans of the hall of reign FC: “the South of Germany! The South of Germany!“ Whether the author of these lines in the song, which should not be executed at this point.

Of the time was again of the curve, like in the 80s, as good and old. Of formerly the Rupert’s were still there and Robert. After the 1:0 to Bayern in the 39. Minutes in the arms. In the curve, you can’t pick it, the who heart of a. And so it may well be that the arms of the looped around the neck, the man was eyeing the whole time-critical.

Robert has said that the figure in front of him before coming to him. He thinks he saw you once on the Marienplatz in Munich, as a folder of a gottlob pretty miserable Pegida rally. It all fits together, and what stands in the curve.

A is anyway a little off. If you look at him, he nods a friendly, as you would know. Somehow that is so. It is the club President, standing on the edge of the guest block. Robert Reisinger will know that his Appearing is in the curve of political Expression.

While in the curve Fenomenbet odious Investor Hasan Ismaik in Munich in a Hotel in Hof in which you have to pay for one night 600 euros (without Breakfast), he, along with 900 visiting Munich Fans in the Stand. “He offers the Sheik” to stand up to, to many Fans, well. Well, not even he could prevent it, that the cult ladies and coach Daniel Bierowka has quit his Job a week earlier, hung, rather.

“sand!”, the one that see him tell. Others go out and make a Selfie with Reisinger. “What must be the nerds,” say again the one. The die-hard curve of singers are in anyway self-sufficient. You keep a Wallpaper in the height, says: “no coach, No President, no Investor is above the club! We are the Association!“ Especially loud it is, if the Fans ansingen against Hasan Ismaik. You want “freedom for 60!”. On a double-holder, someone has painted the face of Martin Luther King. “I have a dream”, it says. He’s the dream that Hasan Ismaik 1860 will leave one day.

Robert Reisinger is no longer available bonus veren siteler at some point in the curve. It is no longer necessary. It have seen it all. After the game, talking about the performance of the team. “3:0 they would have had to win the bottles,” says one, and be happy, but then, as he is drawn to the fact that the lions have won. The Shuttle-buses, in which the Fans of Munich will be brought to the game to the station are escorted by the police with several cars and a blue light.

“So they, the Easterners,” says one, and says approvingly. “If it had been up to me,” says a woman, “then it would not have used the one with the reunion, but I asked none.” “Mei Madl”, says as a, “30 years ago, but you were still born.” The Mentioned seems to think. “That’s not so wrong,” she says then.

Because is built at the main station in Halle, for the travelers only a toilet container for disposal. Is too small for the onslaught of Fans. A last reason to rant once again on the “Ossischweine”. Then it’s back home.