Prince Nikolai is the model for the modefirmaer like Burberry and Dior, but it is not the only one, his face is being used for. The prince stands as the sender on the fake Twitter profile, where they made fun of him even.

“I would recommend that one got closed for such a profile. Such a parodiprofil, as you call it, is to interfere with the royal family brand,” says social media expert Nathalie Larsen on the coarse profile on Twitter.

Prince Nikolai, who has been a part of the media limelight in the year, is listed as the sender on a ‘spoofprofil’ on the social media Twitter. The person behind the writing fake messages at prince nikolai’s name, where they among other things, comment on people who give him compliments.

“Oh, thank you. I also love myself,” replies the false prince a uses that compliment his appearance.

the Account on Twitter, also shows images of a man reading a book on sexual services, together with a related text about, ‘that it is compulsory reading before a visit in the palace’.

the Royal family’s communications department will not comment on what their procedure is when the royal family’s younger members have become Pasgol the targets of cyber bullying.

Nathalie C. Larsen, who is digital manager at the Lead Agency, believes the royal family can remove the pages, that manipulates or exploits prince nikolai’s face.

“Personally, I would put the border there, where there is someone who is pretending to be one of the royal family,” she says to B. T.

“You are extra vulnerable on social media. The prince’s face and brand are being used to spread grovheder. On the net things go greatly, so it is not all that when to decode, that this profile is fake,” she says and elaborates:

“It would be completely justified, that he asked for to close the profile.”

She says that the royal family has a policy that they do not have to be present personally on social media.

on the whole, prince Nikolai, a popular focal point on social media, and you can see that there is a fan page with over 13,000 followers on Instagram. It is – in contrast to Twitter-the profile is still active. When prince Henry was alive, he also had the attention on different social media, and there is still a ‘spoofside’ on Facebook, which would have made him king.