The 26-year-old fynbo decided in 2005 for the first time to try to go to church on christmas eve.

She had to konfirmeres the following spring, so her older sister who is skes year older, thought that it was time that they also tried to go to church on christmas eve, so when it was afternoon, took place at Peace church in Odense.

“I hadn’t really eaten anything that day,” says Lena to the B. T..

“How something thinking teen is not always over.”

According to the Christian Newspaper goes, almost every fourth dane in the church on christmas eve, and the cause of Peace church in Odense was packed, as Lena and her sister sat to the right in order to witness the service.

“I had kept the jacket on, and it was rather warm in the church,” continues Lena.

“So I say to my sister that I need to throw up.”

the Priest stood in the pulpit, and was in full swing with its juleprædiken, when an elderly lady suddenly stands up and cries, ’has Trbet she been bad?’.

Lena had collapsed in the middle of juleprædiken, in its place, in the midst of the church and was now over his sister, who tried in vain to lift Lena up.

“I could neither see anything nor move the body. My sister thought it was so embarrassing. There was total drama,” says Lena on.

the Priest stops his sermon, two kirketjenere comes to and get lifted Lene out of the church.

A doctor arrives and sees the fainted Lena, when she comes to herself, told that she had neither got anything to eat or drink. And so was the mystery solved.

“I have not been in church on christmas eve ago. No one dare to take with me, and today it has become a joke in the family that I can’t do it,” says Lena.

Juleaftenen flow, fortunately without problems, and since it was spring, she was confirmed as planned.

today, live Lena Poulsen in Nørre Broby on Midtfyn, where she works as a sales assistant.

She rains continued not to be in church on christmas eve.