It is not always easy to make live tv. And it is not at all easy, if one breaks out in laughter, while the man is on the screen.

exactly what happened Friday night in the TV3 Sports studio, as a serious optaktssnak on the AGFs match against Brøndby suddenly thrust completely.

suddenly sneezes fodboldeksperten Poul Hansen, namely, by its microphone, and it gets both Joachim Boldsen and Peter Graulund to laugh completely unstoppable.

You can see the hilarious clip in the video at the top of the article.

The Retrobet two men may, at first, did not stop, and it will not be improved by Poul Hansen was a little annoyed with his colleagues.

eventually get Boldsen and Graulund however, taken together…but only right up until they continue their grineflip.

All the while trying to host the Mads Laudrup to keep track of his flock, in what seems like a very thankless task.

Friday was the best League back after landsholdspausen, and here impressed with FC Nordsjælland great in the 3-0 victory over Randers. You can read more about right HERE.