the Proposal from Jens Skims Larsen surprised Anders Kjærbye.

“It was very weird. And just when he comes over and says it, I’m thinking, ‘it’s absolutely crazy that here’,” says the photographer:

“What are the odds that he can remember a picture we had taken for two years ago and then thought the same thought?”

the Result of the photographer’s and landsholdsspillerens common thought could be seen in the wake of Denmark’s successful qualification for the european championships on Monday. It showed up on Jens Shakes His Instagram profile:

An image from 2017. A picture from 2019. Both flash without pause by Anders Kjærbye, which covers the Danish national team for football The pictures are amazing identical:

the Protagonists are the same: The Danish players Andreas Christensen, Andreas Cornelius, Jens Skims Larsen and Thomas Delaney the Scene is the same: the Aviva Stadium in Dublin.

the Occasion is the same: Danish qualification to the finals, and the WORLD cup (in 2017) and EM (in 2019).And the four Danish landsholdsspilleres appearance is the same. Right from the equipment as a scarf, sunglasses, boblevandsflaske for posing.

Now, says Anders Kjærbye, how he with two-year intervals, took the two images.

“the original picture originated the spontaneously in 2017. 2019-version occurred actually, because both Strokes and I had gotten the idea in advance,” says the photographer.

He says that the idea began to sprout in him, as he in the hours up to the crucial european championship qualifier against Ireland on Monday, sat and looked at old pictures from the crucial WORLD cup qualifier in the same place two years ago.

He did he on that picture and got the idea for a reprise, because all four players, again, was with the Danish squad. But Anders Kjærbye beat however, also the thought away again, Marsbahis because he believed that it required a bit of preparation before the actual match.

“I didn’t want to take hold of the players, because they were in the ‘combat zone’. And I also did not want to talk results with them: ‘If we win’, ‘when we win’, not to jinxe something,” says the photographer.

But when the fight was over, the Danish advancement to the finals was a reality, and the celebrations among the Danish players was in full swing, but Jens Shakes Larsen suddenly Anders Kjærbye. The player asked if the photographer could remember ‘the image from 2017’.

“And so I knew the with the same, which image he was talking about, so I said ‘yes, for the hell – of course we need to make it, if the other is on the’. And it was the most fortunately,” says Anders Kjærbye.

As the jubelscenerne at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin was waning, they managed to get together the quartet and the necessary props. Again. Here looked landsholdsspillerne quickly original from 2017 through, and then they were ready for a new attempt.

“We made three-four different, where they were allowed to make themselves a little better than perhaps they were at the first,” says Anders Kjærbye, who is pleased with the result:

“One of them is spot-on. It is maybe even a little scary, that the Strokes can do it as accurately again. I don’t know if he had practiced on it in the morning. Overall, I think that it has been damn good. We also found roughly the same location as two years earlier. It was also important.”

Many others also liked the result. Jens Shakes His Instagram toppled the likes, the same thing happened to an even greater degree, as the image was shared on the greece, and Instagram. And, indeed, also on the B. T. Sports Facebook it was quite popular.

“It is so cool. Because all of the other pictures we’ve seen of it all: the winning photo and where they stand with the banner and so on, and so it’s great to be able to stand out a little,” says Anders Kjærbye,

He may love a new gimmick in connection with the european championship finals this summer:

“I have immediately not just something in the pipeline, but I took also many pictures for the WORLD cup finals two years ago in Russia, so I wonder if there will come something so we can get a sequel,” says Anders Kjærbye.

the EM-finals will be played from 12. June 12. July next year across Europe. The Danish national team is guaranteed at least two matches on home turf in the Park.