We danes need something that bring us together. Something we can share.

And yes, I am one of those who are sitting at home on Saturday night and sticking to the television when ‘The big bagedyst’ rolls across the screen.

And why do I do this? I know something special about the cakes and patisserie? No, I do not.

the question, what is so interesting to see the 10 regular people bake the cake and be sent out one by one. And it has absolutely nothing with the public service to do?

Yes, it is both interesting and public service. It brings together the us, across the country and the town. On across generations. Across the professions.

Everyone can see and understand what is happening. Everyone can relate to it. About the cakes will be nice and smooth, and about the techniques is in order. As I said, I know personally nothing about cakes and recipes. Yet drawn I of this program.

It is in truth the danes, who gather about to see a piece of Denmark. We need something, we can be unified about. Something that bring us together. It makes the ‘The big bagedyst’. It makes our international matches in handball and football. It makes the church on christmas eve and much more. And we have the much need.

Once we had something in common to talk about at work, at school, ældrecentret or the association. Since we had read the newspaper, watched the news or the latest test match in tv. It is different today.

Now there are countless media that brings the news 24 hours a day, and we are online constantly. Constantly on the cell phone or the iPad.

We see what we just want, at any time of the day. The freedom of choice is of course good, but it makes it just even more important that we have something to share. We need that as people. As people.

sometimes it’s also just though, that one should not take a position Jokerbet on all sorts of things. To be able to relax.

When I watch ‘The big bagedyst’, I can take myself to comment on the high in the living room with all my ignorance on the subject. My better half looking jaded on me, but it is entertaining, innocent, fun and simply good television, that bring us together.

Yes, it can even end up with both the iPad and the mobile is allowed to lie for a while, so I actually am present – not just physically, but also in spirit. It is, I think, is more important than we think.

When landsholdene in football or handball player, then shall we meet. And we celebrate it together, when a championship is in the house, as we recently saw with håndboldherrerne. I saw several of the matches in Boxen in Herning, and it was quite amazing.

We shouted and hujede, when that was scored. We smiled all to each other and enjoyed the community as the danes. We feel together on something.

And yes, there are also some that are fine on it and speak condescendingly about such events, but the ones on it. It is the conditions of a democratic society, but the majority love it, and we stand together on it.

Traditions creates community and binds us together. I do not think that in december of each year a religious awakening among the danes, which causes them to go to church on christmas eve.

I think many do, since it is a part of the tradition, the community, and part of the reason Denmark is going to have on christianity.

the Danes are a christian people. Also although it does not necessarily show up in the kirkegangen every Sunday. In addition, I have no doubt that we enjoy the fellowship with family and those who are close to us.

There is something quite special about a church service on christmas eve. Here we come all – large or small – and feel ourselves closely connected in a community. I even go very often in the church, and it gives much value for me.

But even though I often sit on the kirkebænken on Sundays, so is juleaftens worship something very special – also for me.

We live in a busy and ever-changing world. You can be absolutely breathless about the pace at which the world is changing. Not least therefore it is paramount that we have something that we stand together.

Whether it is bagedysten, landskampen, the church, or something completely different, that binds us together is not the most important.

As a people and nation we need these communities.

Søren Pape Poulsen

Søren Pape went in 2014 from the mayor of Viborg to be the leader of The Conservative Party. Today he is among the most experienced leaders of the party at the Palace, and he is known to drive a hard line against criminals and high taxes.