you Can be a volunteer at a rock festival in a few hours, while you are in ressourceforløb?

The questions have been relevant for the Tina Christensen from Denmark, who has been on sick leave over several years.

In the summer helped the 47-year-old thybo at the Thy Rock. That her municipal caseworker happen. And it will generate more e-mail over the summer, in which the examiner wonders how Tina Christensen has physics and profits to participate as a volunteer. It writes the Magazine 3F.

‘You’re going from the food to a bordbænkesæt, which is not the nearest place, without being visibly affected. You choose to step over the bench, first with one leg and then the other, again without having to be visible affected. This also raises the you you in the same way. When you are here [at the job centre, red] to the conversation, are you talking in a recessed pitch, clearly smerteplaget. You can’t take the stairs, and you are clearly smerteplaget through the entire conversation…’

How to write the examiner in an e-mail to Tina Christensen.

The high level of functionality, Tina Christensen exhibit at the Thy Rock shall be used in any work, believes the examiner.

But Tina Christensen can’t understand the conclusion:

“It, the task of the liquidator not then, was how I made sure to keep me in peace in the run-up to the Thy Rock. How I was on the pills, and how I relaxed most of the time just to hang out and have a break. And how I actually lay fallow for a whole week after. Yes, I did something good for myself, but it also had some costs,” says Tina Christensen.

As the Magazine 3F has described the recent days, follows the country’s municipalities with citizens on social services are doing on social media and in their Oslobet spare time.

And it can be absolutely necessary tools in the fight against cheating with municipal money, the argument goes, from the national Association of Municipalities.

For Tina Christensen, however, it was a slap in the face, when the municipality suddenly confronted her with the volunteer work.

“I felt like I had to defend the fact that I had been there. They gave me the feeling that I might not. I have been tudet ears full of that I must do something that is good for myself. So I’m not lonely, so I do not become depressed. And when I finally do it, it’s one jolly also wrong,” says Tina Christensen.

In his professional life Tina Christensen stood still and cut fish day in and day out. It slider. She has 13 years ‘in the fish’ got found tennisalbuer and carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrists. She has been in several internships, but there really isn’t any clarification on how much she really can work. Therefore, she is now in her second ressource procedures

But after the incident with the Thy Rock think Tina Christensen of, what she even dare to say yes to.

“I think that the municipality has gone over a limit where they shouldn’t be. It is clear that I’m happy when I’m among friends. And it is clear that I don’t necessarily smile when I’m in a meeting at the job centre. It is therefore not a particularly nice place to be. But it is as reprehensible, that you should be completely out there, where the brakes one in to get a little joy,” says Tina Christensen.

To Tina Christensen has participated as a volunteer at the music festival, have not been some consequences for her sickness. But it has accelerated even in an internship, where her capacity for work must be clarified.

the Municipality of Thisted will not comment specifically about Tina Christensen case. The municipality has also not wanted to make up for the interview.

Mogens Kruse Andersen, director of Engineering & Business, emailed a general response to the Magazine 3F that the municipality overall request handler in accordance with the applicable legislation.

‘Specifically, this means that an officer may withdraw the own observations in the cases and explain to the citizens of these observations for the lighting of the facts,’ writes Mogens Kruse Andersen, among others.