It is so long ago that Christina Malmer has been able to see correctly with both eyes, that she has taught itself to see only with one.

But after the wires and rubber bands in the beginning of november has been implanted in her left eye to control her sight, the 20-year-old woman from Andover now face the reverse challenge.

“In five years, the eyes are not used to each other, so they just need to learn again,” she says.

Outside of the home have Christina Malmer ago 2014 gone with the flap of the left eye due to double vision and sensitivity to light. But also because of vanity. For without the fold has Christina felt that she so creepy out when the others ‘ gaze fell on her. More on that later.

“I have learned to use one eye, so I only see with the right eye. Now, I must learn to turn the left eye again,” notes the young woman.

Christina Malmers story is both unpleasant and life-affirming.

For despite the fact that she, as a 15-year-old was diagnosed with incurable brain cancer and living with daily pain as a result of a tumor in her head, so she has an indomitable will and an enviable ability to see the bright in life.

“I think it coincides with the day when the doctor said that there was a suspicion of cancer. I was insanely upset and went to my room and closed the door when we came home. Then came my mum into my room and said: ‘You must not sit completely alone. You must say what it is you feel.'”

Christina Malmer explains that her mother’s message has been in her ever since. She will be strengthened by sharing and telling about her life. Perhaps that is why she regularly with brutal honesty and liberating humor recounts his life to the nearly 6,000 people who follow her on Facebook.

‘My eye sitting in the middle of the eye, instead of the almost inside of the nose, and it looks SO nice and normal!’ sounds in the latest update.

It is here, she presents the joyful news first: Her eye surgery has gone well.

Where the tumor in the past has led to the utmost the nerve of the left eye has been paralyzed, so that other nerves have withdrawn the pupil toward the nose, so to have skilled doctors with the surgery balanced vision.

The 20-year-old thanked the dog ” no, as a doctor presented the idea to try to give her normal vision back.

“First I said ‘no thanks’. I didn’t like that I’m not supposed to have pat on. It is a part of me. I really like the clap.”

“When I look at the flip, I don’t think that I Betorder have it, because I have cancer,” she says.

But Christina Malmer can still take the flip, though, it might not be necessary, reasoned she subsequently.

today, she is happy with his decision.

“Now I can watch tv without seeing double. So I can both read the subtitles and watch the action in a movie at the same time,” says Christina Malmer and continues:

“I can also better see on my mobile, when I look straight ahead, I do not see double, because my eye is now sitting in the middle.”

the Sight is not perfect. Christina Malmer still looks a bit double. But she is counting on, that the eyes will be better to work together.

in any case, the operation meant that the 20-year-olds, it is better to let the fold be away from the seat in front of the left eye.

in the Future she will not wear the flip in public. At least, not in the daylight subsided and therefore not bothering to the eye.

“Now I can almost take the flip of without anyone looking. Before sat the eye completely against the nose, and it could well be a little creepy to look at,” she says.

Christina Malmer get scanned his head once a year. On the way, it keeps the doctors watching to see if the tumor grows. Luckily it has not been the case for a long time.

“the Tumor is in ro, and I think it will be a long time yet, for it has been in four years. I haven’t got anything to know that there are restrictions on how long I can live. I think I have just as long a life as you have,” she says.

Now she goes after to have taken the graduation from the elementary school, which was interrupted when she had to be operated on in the brain due to found of the tumor.

Hopefully that helps her enhanced vision, she soon gets his diploma.

“It has been hard to read, because it was insanely difficult to get from one line to the next. I have not tried to read a long text since the operation, but I really hope that it has helped, so I can read faster,” says Christina Malmer.