Restaurantkæden LêLê has in the recent month’s time has been far and wide around in the media columns in the stories of the absolutely boring kind.

Although founder – kendiskokken Anh Lê has been hermetically closed on the now numerous møgsager that have plagued the company. On Friday she opened up for the newspaper Politiken.

In a long interview with the newspaper tells kogebogsforfatteren and tv cook on the tumultuous course on the hope and the dream to start an offer for food-loving locals, they did not know they needed.

Outwardly, it looked like LêLê a hit. With many dining options is the vietnamese chain a well-known brand with many in copenhagen.

But a good business it has never been, and the money has the restaurant’s 17-year-old life always had a hard time to strike.

Anh Lê says that the business’s viability was assured by her and her sisters hard work.

today, she feels, however, treated unfairly by the press, who could smell the blood, after the company in October turned the key on.

For LêLê went bankrupt and were doing it, called a transfer, which means that the old company went bankrupt, while the activities were carried on in a start up a new.

The decision raised skepticism, since the company’s debt to many creditors apparently was parked.

It was, among other things. the well-known founder of Mikkeler brewery, Mikkel Borg Bjergsø, to sharply criticise LêLê, after the company’s ceo, Ultrabet Dan Bång, to B. T. had referred to it as “a positive story” for the chain.

After the story could B. T. reveal that employees in the company had worked 200, 300 and up to 400 hours per month, which apparently is in conflict with the different working time rules.

It was John Ekebjærg-Jakobsen, who is the chairman of the 3F Copenhagen, to call it ‘social dumping of the worst degree’.

The part mentions Anh Lê nothing about this in the interview with Politiken. But a different story from B. T., which is about, that she and any other part of the ownership group has been in the possession of the ‘ejerkort’, that have allowed them to eat and drink at the company’s expense free.

Asked what she replies to Politiken:

“There is no question of ejerkort, but a statutory registration card, where all transactions are recorded and later distributed in connection with events where we were the hosts. In the restaurant industry holding various events, for example, various forms of charity, lectures or talks. They were also used for internal meetings and external meetings with business partners”.

the Same explanation has B. T. scored on the mail, but it never was possible for B. T. to get answers on how a registration card is flush with the kontooversigter, which shows that there is nearly daily in a two-year period is deducted amount from the account.