As a part of the landsholdsaftalen gives players five million dollars to the børnefodbold.

the Danish herrelandshold in football gives money to the banks, after the EM qualification is secured.

As part of the landsholdsaftalen between Dansk Boldspil-Union and Spillerforeningen means the qualification, concretely five million dollars to the børnefodbold.

The writing Spillerforeningen in a press release.

The five million dollars is set aside as a part of the players ‘ slutrundebonus.

the Money distributes the players to børnefodboldprojekter upon the recommendation of the DBU Width.

– we are All players on the national team, have glorious memories from back then, when we played the børnefodbold around in small and big clubs everywhere in the country, Mariobet so it was important for us players to get it here in the agreement, says landsholdsanfører Simon Kjær in the press release.

Vice-president of the DBU and the chairman of the Breddekomitéen Bent Clausen votes in.

He is pleased that some of the slutrundebonussen find their way to children in the banks.

– Without the banks, no national team. Why is it great to herrelandsholdsspillerne now gives back to the development of børnefodbolden and on the way also to the many voluntary enthusiasts, who laced the children’s soccer shoes, and to those who helped to shape the players, as they even played football as children, said Bent Clausen.
