Have you read the story of Sandra Dark Valente?

I would recommend you to do together with the several hundreds of thousands of danes, who already have followed with the 30-year-olds gripping story.

sandra’s story is causing a stir, because so many other danes and patients can identificiere with her trip through the health care system. It is eight years ago, she turned to the doctor with pain in the leg, and the page is very gone wrong. The past two years she has visited throughout the 19 different doctors without getting the right diagnosis. When she finally got one, it was almost too late. She, unfortunately, has cancer that has spread from the leg and to the hips, and it is uncertain whether she will survive.

Grundproblemet in sandra’s case is that her constant complaints were overlooked and downplayed. A previous MRI scan could perhaps had made her different in the day. She was not taken seriously.

On the way, she is no different off than a journalist and editor Arne Notkin, who has just written a book about his trip through the treatment system. He got a cancer diagnosis, but only after he stubbornly and persistently had fought their way to a so-called ‘second opinion’. Had he not been, he had probably not survived, estimates he even today.

In both cases it was a lack of scanning that prevented the accurate diagnosis. It is worrying, for there is no lack of scanners in Denmark. There must be something else which is not functioning effectively enough.

The Danish doctors are knowledgeable, they will patients the best, and we use the necessary resources. There will always be errors in a health and hospital service, where human assessments, determine diagnoses and subsequent treatments. It is not that, the problem occurs.

Goldenbahis There be a different mentality in the Danish healthcare system and Danish doctors. It is immediately more difficult. It’s absolutely elemental about empowerment. In many departments it of course does not do, but in the receipt and the examination process, it is absolutely crucial.

Many patients come in with knowledge and insight about themselves, their body and their possible diagnoses. They are not all brokkerøve. They are the people who want to take care of their own lives, and who can be involved in the extensive detective work, a review can be. Many doctors see patients as whole people, but considers on the contrary parts of the body, which is their specialty. While patients see themselves as a whole person, where all parts are essential to understand and clarify a possible diagnosis.

A health care system consists not only of coats, buildings, operating theatres and medicine. A health care need a view of humanity, in which the individual is taken seriously, and where treatment is about the whole person.

It does not come by itself or on next Friday. Therefore B. T. the coming days to tell more stories about the danes, who have experienced, that they should fight unreasonably hard to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

the medical association (and all others) should take to read with, for the matter is too important to ignore. Preliminary they do not have the time to participate in the debate with B. T. they say. It is difficult to imagine anything more important than patients ‘ experiences with health care.

Perhaps we can all learn something.