the Whores. Prostitutes. Sex workers. Dear child has many names, but the social affairs minister Astrid Krag (S) insist on calling the women prostitutes, not sex workers.
“prostitution should in no way be regarded as a profession in line with the carpenter or school teacher. It is, however, a social problem”, have the minister of social affairs stated to Politiken, and has requested the working group, which would fight for sexarbejdernes rights as bl.a. cash sickness benefits.
It should be a matter of course, when you pay tax. That tax money can buy, the government can well use, but they have also a forståelsespapir to finance – it cost tax dollars to promise gold and green forests.
in turn the minister does not mind to give sexarbejderne the basic civil rights, like all others, in the welfare state have. No, they must be sent through an exit programme. Read it again: an exit programme. Exit from what? From the existential life circumstances that have led to prostitution?
the Minister has apparently not considered that it might not prostitution itself that is the problem, but all that is for the reason for prostitution. And sexarbejderne have not actually asked the minister to rescue them from their lives. No, they just want rights, then they will not be stigmatized of the world and the society they are living their lives.
But instead, they are being stigmatized by the minister by getting to know that they are living wrong. Tell me, counting on the minister, that she can abolish prostitution? Not even God’s own son, thought he could eradicate the prostitution – he sat down and talked with the prostitutes, a woman with an harlot, as with any other human being.
But social security is much more gesjæftig – for as a true statsmenneske she goes the errand – under a friendly pretence of caring. Exactly like when the minister does not see a problem in that the number of placement of children without consent is increasing. In 10 years, the number of involuntary placements of children doubled. In the 10 years.
When it comes to the Pasgol acute locations, has ankestyrelsen, moreover, pointed out that the basis in half of the cases are not in order. One must be careful not to place a child – it requires great care and studies show that children placed outside the home perform significantly worse than other children. It is clear – their being, the root has been plucked up.
The many postings contest apparently not the minister, who is trying to ‘normalize’ placement: ‘It must never be shameful’ for a child to be housed, the minister says to the Kristeligt Dagblad (13. October 2019) – the society must make an effort, that children should not feel shame.
Well, dear Astrid Krag, the shame is probably not just something that comes from society, but in the small person’s soul. It is the largest intervention in a small person’s life – and an existential situation, not a society, as a minister can fix.
But it is the minister’s and the whole velfærdsideologiens heat dream: to be able to produce the normal, functional, the smooth, the average, the smoother, the purified human being. Because it provides a just and fair – a normally – functioning society.
It is the dream of creating the new man in the happy society – carried by the disempowering gaze on the man. The glance at the man, who jumps the spirit and believe that all menneskelivets problems and fundamental existential issues can be resolved and regulated by political means.
And the civil has, unfortunately, been a strap of the skin, where they will interfere in our health, how much we smoke, how we raise our children, how long we need to slide the life of each other with a therapist, before we are allowed to be divorced. And. So. On. It is the same paternalistic, småmarxistiske view of humanity that lies beneath. Borgerligheden will just not be at it.
Marie Høgh parish priest and commentator
F. 1985. The vicar, debater, and folketingskandidat for Conservatives. Graduated from The Faculty of Theology in 2013. The church in Lynge-Uggeløse. I write about faith and existence. About christianity, love, values and a lack of the same. To be human in society and the world in the year 2019. And the most important thing in the big little life, with all that life is.