At a school in Copenhagen, has made an unusual discovery. Thus, there emerged ten new chests up in connection with a kloakarbejde in the schoolyard.

Already in 1991 it was discovered in connection with an extension of the School by the Lakes in Copenhagen, there was a pestkirkegård from 1711.

But now is there again emerged the chests up in the schoolyard, as witnesses of the worst epidemic in the history of Copenhagen. That is to say, that every third inhabitant of copenhagen at the time lost their lives.

“There is talk about a massebegravelse in the way that many have been buried within a short period of time. Hititbet But all are buried in coffins. People are not just been poured in the ground. Burials have taken place in an extreme situation, and yet, there has been a surplus to bury the dead in a respectful way,” says Stine Damsbo Winther, who is an archaeologist at the Museum of Copenhagen.

In 1711 dug large holes and then to put the first campaign down – typically two on top of each other and then a new row.

In one case, archeologists found three chests on top of each other, but it was also found examples of at the excavation in 1991.

the Skeletons are now being examined by the Anthropological Laboratory of the Forensic Institute.

It will give a more accurate knowledge of the abode of the dead, gender, age, nutrition and health. There are also collected some DNA samples, which will be able to say something about the persons buried, dates from.