It is not all the persons, who get the opportunity to express important things on their deathbeds.

But the option had Pedal-Ove, and he exploited it to the full in order to come with an important message for his son.

Ove Hansen, better known as Pedal-Ove, died Saturday morning after a short severe illness.

Fritidsmusikeren became a household name in 1982 when he was convicted for the killing of his ex-wife, Brita Hansen and got 12 years in prison.

Ten years later, he was however acquitted, after journalists from the DR had dug out new details in the case, including two witnesses who could provide him with an alibi.

He was awarded 7.5 million dollars in compensation in a case, which is known as ‘the biggest miscarriage of justice’.

But it is still from time to time been discussed through because Brita Hansen’s killer has never been found.

When the case was dealt with in 1982 was missing the Pedal Ove an alibi between 11.45 and 13.06, which is the period where the Brita Nielsen presumed killed.

But Holiganbet DR-dokumentarerne ‘Convicted of murder’ and ‘Police blind eye’ had two new witnesses, who said that they had seen him in time with his at the time 4-year-old son Mads Hansen.

The 14. november in the year came the TV 2, however, with a new documentary by the name of ‘the Mystery of the Pedal Ove’ , which re-opened the discussion once again.

The set doubting by witnesses explanation, as neighbors to the Pedal Ove has told me that his son Mike stayed with them in the period.

“I’m almost convinced… He (Mike, red.) was the first time in each case, but the second time, I am not convinced. […] Why I have said that he was with the two times – there has been a svipser there,” says Ove Hansen in the TV 2 program.

the Case is recorded also Pedal-Ove on his deathbed, who chose to come with an important message to his son, Mads Hansen, who today is 42 years.

It tells Mads Hansen in an sms to TV 2.

“You just need to know one thing. It was not me who beat your mother to death. This is another idiot that has done it,” he allegedly said on his deathbed to his son.

the Assessment was that the Brita Nielsen was kværket to death and then thrown in the harbour. Her body was not found until seven months later.