For many young people, high school to prepare them for later educational choice, says colleges and researcher.

A ceiling of how many there must be in high school, does not take young people’s aspirations seriously. At the same time cuts off the many young people from the reach to find out what they really want to be.

It takes Birgitte Vedersø, who is chairman of the rektorforeningen, Danish high Schools.

the Danish Metal and several other unions believe that there must be 3000 fewer students annually, in colleges for more vocational training and less in a labor market that has a use for them.

– the Proposal is rooted in the forthcoming shortage of skilled labour. But there will also be due to less youth shortage of teachers, nurses, doctors, engineers and it people, which requires a high school diploma, ” says Birgitte Vedersø.

She warns against seeing it as a zero sum game instead, that young people can also take vocational training after high school.

– We know Klasbahis that they have a secondary education in addition to vocational training, then comes the work faster and get a higher starting salary.

– Whereas if you put a ceiling on and weed out the ones on the characters, so it has a huge social disadvantage, and I don’t think that Denmark is good at, she says.

Associate professor of educational at University of Southern denmark, Dion Rüsselbæk Hansen from the University of Southern denmark, calls the proposal from the Danish Metal bad.

– It is a poor society to think of such a uddannelsesloft. We, as a society, all enriched by the people to educate themselves as much as possible, he says.

He recalls that many of today’s young people need to be true many years in the labour market.

– It is too early to ask young people about to make their final choice so quickly. They will also gain essential knowledge in high school, which they take with them to other professions, which can also develop by getting some other ways of thinking brought in, he says.

If the government imposes such a ceiling, it will according to the Danish Metal lead to a more skilled workforce, and that fewer graduates with long education unemployed plus pave the way for earlier retirement for worn-out.
