According to management consultancy Strategy, nuclear fusion technology could

Despite cutting-edge research in this area, the study authors believe that Germany is at risk of falling behind. Strategy

“Germany has all the prerequisites to take a leading role in fusion research,” said Christian von Tschirschky, energy expert at Strategy

Poor financial resources

However, German fusion researchers are comparatively poorly equipped financially: according to Strategy

“Fusion energy could make a decisive breakthrough in the next ten to fifteen years, but Germany is just watching in amazement or skepticism,” criticized von Tschirschky. Germany needs a merger strategy for all steps from supply chains to research funding to administrative regulations.

The Federal Research Ministry referred to recently increased funding. Research funding for fusion will be significantly increased with an additional 370 million euros over the next five years. Together with funds already earmarked for research institutions, the ministry will provide over one billion euros for fusion research by 2028. The aim is to secure a clean, reliable and affordable energy supply. Industry and research institutions should tackle the technological challenges together so that a fusion power plant can be realized.

During nuclear fusion, atomic nuclei are not split but fused together, as happens naturally on the sun. In the event of a breakthrough, fusion power plants could generate CO2-free energy, without the risk of a reactor catastrophe and without the disadvantage of long-lasting nuclear waste such as that produced in a nuclear power plant. The Federal Ministry of Research classified the technology as “clean” in a position paper in June. However, there are currently no fusion power plants that can be used to provide electricity. The Munich start-up Marvel Fusion recently announced the construction of a nuclear fusion power plant on the grounds of Colorado State University in the USA.