Danish Regions want non-working hours from 2020. In the Region of north Jutland is the Tuesday afternoon adopted.

14.500 employees in hospitals, institutions and offices in the north denmark Region will be from the turn of the year covered by the non-working hours.

It has regional council in north Jutland, denmark decided on Tuesday afternoon, writes Nordjyske.

In advance it is in the region forbidden to smoke in the affiliated units, and in smoking breaks go completely outside of the area, if there is a need to switch a smoke. But from the new year the staff thus did not smoke while they are at work.

According to Cratosslot the North come rules however do not apply to the elected politicians in the regional council.

It is not only in the north, to regionsansatte get the non-working hours. In april reported the regional association, Danish Regions, in addition, that it wants a total ban on smoking in working hours from 2020.

In October, reported the Capital Region out to region’s jobs from 1. January 2020 will be non-smoking, which means that it is not permissible for employees to smoke during working hours.

A single member of the committee of the regions in the north disagreed with the others and voted against the introduction of non-working time. It was the Left member Martin Bech, who also comments on the decision on Twitter:

the committee of the regions in the north have now with the votes 37-1 adopted to introduce smoke-free working hours – now we can then start looking at the employees ‘ food-, telephone – and søvnvaner…
