‘Selvmordslægen’ Svend Lings have been excluded by the medical association.

He is the first doctor, which will be excluded of the association since the hated Danish topnazist Frits Clausen, who was kicked out after 2. In world war ii.

In the intermediate trekvarte century, doctors have been convicted of, for example, arson, murder, embezzlement, and fraud. But no one has been excluded.

the Decision to throw Svend Lings out is taken after the completion of a case by Doctors court of Arbitration.

An arbitration, as the 78-year-old Lings even call a pure trial and, therefore, has refused to meet up to and participate in.

“the Result was a foregone conclusion. They would have me out for any price. In my terminology is a court of arbitration, something the two parties agree to implement. But I was not asked whether I think it would be a good idea with a court of arbitration. I received just one call,” says Svend Lings to B. T.

Andreas Rudkjøbing, president of the medical association, has, not surprisingly, a different view on the matter. He said:

“It is good that the tribunal has set a final sentence in this case. As doctors it is our job to provide treatment, relief and care. Not to be party to suicide. The behavior of Svend Lings have shown, is not compatible with being a member of the medical association.”

the Tribunal does in its decision, the emphasis on the fact that Svend Lings by issuing a guidance on how patients by means of prescription medicines to commit suicide, has acted in breach of Doctors værdighedskrav.

It also considers that Svend Lings have acted contrary to the Doctors ethical principles that a physician must take responsibility for his patient and act with care and diligence, and to support the confidence of his colleagues.

Svend Lings have been judged to have contributed to the euthanasia of all three courts.

the principle of The case ended in the Supreme court, where he had upheld the high court’s judgment on 60 days imprisonment.

Svend Lings, a former consultant physician and head of occupational health Clinic at Odense university Hospital, will still receive almost daily calls from the terminally ill and desperate people who just want help to choose life from.

“sometimes I get four calls daily, other times no. But it gets by. The people have a very great need to talk,” says Svend Lings.

“To help terminally ill people to die going on all the time at Danish hospitals. However, according to the medical association should we just not talk about it. I am sorry that in Denmark we have a medical association, which refuses to have an open and unbiased debate,” says Svend Lings.

“For me personally it does not very much that I will be excluded. I receive no longer Pay for the Doctors, but I do not have to pay dues. But the principle of it is completely wrong.”

With its exclusion, it is Svend Lings now come in the category with topnazisten Frits Clausen – when it is about to be excluded from the medical association.

“I come not exactly in good company. But he does,” notes Svend Lings dry.

Helps you still to help the terminally ill to die?

“I speak always with the people calling me. So I help them as best I can,” says Svend Lings.

Without wanting to elaborate further.