Shocked and sad.

How to describe the Flora Ghosh even his reaction to the fyreseddel, she has just received.

The 52-year-old social worker founded back in 2009 by the association LivaRehab, which has since grown to a recognized treatment centre for people with damage caused by prostitution, incest and sexual violence.

She has since been the director of the centre, which has offices in Copenhagen, Vordingborg and Aarhus, and in 2013 she received a Tine Bryld-the price for his actions.

But on Friday it was over: the Director and the deputy director was fired by a unanimous board, writes Politiken.

“I am shocked and upset by it, and I don’t know what is going on. I have been at the forefront of LivaRehab in ten years and have worked almost around the clock,” she says to the newspaper.

ten years ago she started LivaRehab with just 200 crowns. Today, the centres have a turnover of over 25 million, according to Politiken.

Flora Ghosh cares not just for its own future. It is especially the idea of the vulnerable men and women continued fate that bothers her.

She do not understand all, why she has been fired.

the Chairman of the board, the former overvismand Christen Sørensen, will not go into the details of the firing, but he points out to the newspaper Politiken, that the firing was necessary.

“It is a sad case. I’m sorry, but it was necessary,” he says.

According to the chairman of the board will be held an extraordinary general meeting of LivaRehab in the middle of January.