at Least 19 municipalities have hired consultants to find savings in local support services to vulnerable.

Municipalities hires resultatlønnede consultants to save on support services to citizens with disabilities or mental illness.

The typing of the Althingi on the basis of a number of aktindsigter in contracts and agreements between municipalities and two private agencies, Trancit and Brorson Consult.

at Least 19 municipalities have contracted with private consultants, whose task is to review the municipality’s cases at-risk citizens with the clear objective to find savings.

In the vast majority of cases, the contract is designed such that the municipality’s payment to the counselors is dependent on how big a saving is achieved.

Two legal experts assess, against The parliament house, that a part of the cooperation agreements between the municipalities and the konsulentbureauerne can be at odds with the law.

the Social – and the interior minister, Astrid Krag (P) calls the method “worrying”.

She will now ask Ankestyrelsen to investigate, whether the municipalities ‘ methods are legal.

– It is highly disturbing to see an aggressive method, where the municipalities pay private consulting firms to a performance-related in order to find savings to some very vulnerable people, who need the community’s help, said the minister to the Althing.

The most extensive cooperation on the review of the cases on disability and psychiatry area is currently in Silkeborg, denmark.

In 2018 found Brorson Consult savings of more than three million by reviewing the 50 cases for the municipality. Now the company has been put to look at the 294 other cases.

But the municipality denies that the goal is to find savings.

– the Aim has been to ensure consistency between the needs, appropriation and price. The concrete support which the citizen receives, is not changed by this process, the write head of section in the Socialafdelingen the Municipality of Silkeborg Lars Bundgaard Scythe in an email to the Althing.

According to the president of Socialpædagogernes Denmark, Benny Andersen, it is important to remember that it is often a very large interventions in vulnerable people’s lives, changing in a bet or residential facilities.

– the Consultants assess the human case in the same way, as if one were to make bulk purchases of cleaning products. The thinking is completely at odds with the idea that the economy must never take precedence over man, he says to the Althing.
