There had to call an ambulance, then a 41-year-old man on Monday fainted during a court hearing in Moscow

Shortly before the 41-year-old man found to have had sexual intercourse with a woman who lived at the home, where he was employed as a night watchman.

A unanimous jury has sentenced the man to three months imprisonment and deprival of the right to hold similar positions in two years in the future.

According to the anklagemyndigeden should the 41-year-old man during the exploitation of the woman’s disabilities have had sexual intercourse and other sexual relationship with the woman, who was diagnosed with autism.

The unanimous jury believed, however, that it was proven that the 30-year-old woman had autism, and the man was therefore acquitted of the part of the indictment.

the 41-year-old man alone known guilty of by that employed on the farm) to have had a sexual relationship with one of the residents, which is a violation of the penal code, section 219 paragraph. 3.

Of the it appears to you as an employee of an institution are not allowed to have sexual intercourse with the institution’s residents.

in Addition, the 41-year-old man charged for raping another woman, who was diagnosed with autism at the same location in the Copenhagen area.

Here was the 41-year-old, however, pure acquitted.

the Man, who along the way have denied themselves guilty of all the charges, broke and crying together, when the judge read the order up.

It got the judge to promise that he would do it quickly.

“I can see that you respond very strongly, so I make it short,” said the judge.

Drama in court

Before the decision on the conviction was read out, should the court however decide whether one of the six jurors were incapacitated.

Sunday received the court namely a letter from the 41-year-old man defends that nævningen had been present at a reception at the bistandsadvokaten for one of the two 30-year-old women.

It took the defender highly problematic and argued that nævningen may be disqualified.

It felt right, however, and after voteret in 10 minutes, it was decided that nævningen was not disqualified in the case.

Immediately after the conviction was settled, took the prosecutor Rasmus Petersen hole on its procedure for determining punishment, but it was not entirely without drama.

along the Way in the procedure may the judge, namely, interrupt the hearing, because the 41-year-old man suddenly fainted.

Immediately entered his relatives, had laid him down on the floor and called for an ambulance.

When the man immediately came to consciousness again, was his first word:

“I have not done anything. I have not done anything.”

the Press and the audience were subsequently gelejdet out of the courtroom, while the man was attended to by ambulancepersonalet. Shortly after the hearing resumed, and the final judgment was rendered.

the Man has requested a reflection period in relation in relation to any appeal of the judgment.