The two small children, who at the weekend was found abandoned in Aarhus, will hardly be able to remember much of the incident, when they become larger.

“It will be very limited in what they subsequently can remember. Especially the youngest, who does not have any language, will probably not be able to remember much,” says Kuno Sørensen, who is psychologist at save the children.

He goes on to explain that although the two-year-old boy can talk – even if one does not yet know his language altogether – he will, as his little sister probably don’t remember much later in life.

“This has been an unhappy situation for the kids, but it has not been a dramatic or traumatic situation, because they have been found fairly quickly, and when it is at the same time is set so early in life, it will be difficult to remember it,” says Kuno Sørensen.

But even though the kids – heldigivs – will hardly remember that small was left alone at Park Allé in Aarhus, it is quite important, how they are cared for on the subsequent.

“It is absolutely essential for children, that they receive comfort and care and a good contact with an adult. If adults, for example, react with anger, children become insecure. The most important thing is that they are seeing that there are adults who are happy for those who are calm and caring towards them,” says Kuno Sørensen.

The two children were taken to two random passers-by persons, who, after having been searching in vain in the area after the parents contacted the police.

east Jutland Police downloaded then the children, who have since been transferred to the Familiecentret in Aarhus Municipality. The children must under the circumstances be well.

Kuno Sørensen explains that in cases like this also, in particular, focus on the fact that the children will met their very basic needs, such as, for example, a clean diaper, food and beverage, and general contact with an adult.

What should happen with the children, remains to be seen – especially now, where a person has been arrested, while two others are in custody in connection with the case.

It is not indicated whether the characters have a connection to the children.

the Police director continued after the parents for the children, but should it happen that you can’t find them, the children will probably be adopted by a second parent. It is, in any case, what, according to Kuno Sørensen, usually do when a child be left.