He has since 2010, occupied a similar job in the Norwegian club Stabæk Fotball, which in the current season ending on the number-eight spot in the Eliteserien.

in the light of that, Denmark has a target for each year will position itself in the unique in scandinavia because the top-4, is former player and current fodboldkommentator Morten Bruun a bit surprised – although he will not question nordmandens competencies:

“He may be skilled enough, and I would not like to pass judgement on his skills. But until AaB reported the news out, I must admit that I had no idea he existed.”

the AaB’s executive director, Thomas Bælum, see no problem in that Inge André Olsen – in addition to a bronze medal in 2015 – have not achieved the top results in his time at Stabæk.

“He has not had the large financial resources available. But he has in Stabæk helped to build an academy, which is termed as the best. In addition, he has made some amazing transferresultater. In short: He has gotten a lot out of a little. This is what we would like to also. Just in bigger scale,” says Thomas Bælum and adds:

“in Addition, we have looked much at it man and the leader he is. In Stabæk’s managed to create a thread from youth to first team. The cohesion, which needs to be in a club, he goes very much up in.”

In the AaB is knowing that Inge André Olsen has a somewhat turbulent past.

So he was from 2011 to 2013 involved in it, which has been called one of the greatest scandals in Norwegian football ever.

the Prosecution went after five months in prison for Inge André Olsen, who had sold Veigar Pall Gunnarsson to Vålerenga for a million. Norwegian kroner. The deal included a purchase option on the then 15-year-old Herman Stengel. But by setting islændingens the price to a million. Norwegian kroner, you could bypass a videresalgsklausul of 50 percent, as the French club Nancy had on the icelandic midfielder. In sentencing the court took the view that there were not adduced sufficient evidence to overgangssummen for Veigar Pall Gunnarsson was lower than the market price, when he moved to Vålerenga in 2011.

“We know the case and relate to, that he was acquitted. But it is a several year old story that has been relevant for our recruitment,” says Thomas Bælum.

Inge André Olsen call in a chat with B. T. the old case of ‘a tough process.

“We were several people who were headed in the right. But we got the best answer we could get: Acquittal. So it has in no way been ansættelsesmæssige consequences for me in Stabæk. Subsequently I received compensation from the Norwegian state, and from several actors along the way in this case had spoken out,” says Inge André Olsen.

the Starting point for the recruitment of AaB is that he joins at least 1. april.

“It is important for me to have completed my work in Stabæk in a proper way,” says Inge André Olsen.

the Contract with Denmark was signed on Tuesday evening, but already in the last week he was interviewed by the club.

“I see AaB as a family, where people wish each other well. People who want to work hard, want to achieve results together and want to achieve the dreams you have, both in the city of Aalborg and within the club. And so, I regard Denmark as a Danish team, which wants to compete with the currently best like FC Copenhagen, FC Midtjylland and Brøndby,” says Inge André Olsen.

He does not hide that he is happy that AaB has high ambitions.

“AaB has a set of values, which match my ideas. Yet it is too early to say anything about it, what players I have in mind to recruit, since I have great respect for the AaB already has the time in. I’m known to go all-in in my now soon completed the time in Stabæk. In the same way I’m going to go into to the task at AaB. So when the recruitment starts, I move to the city,” says Inge Andre Olsen, who has this comment to, that he was not – like its predecessor, Allan Farms – are employed as sports:

“Titles mean oh well. For me it’s about beslutningslinjer and the work that must be performed on a daily basis. I have in Stabæk accumulated a good experience developing their own players, to be up and playing in the first team. I also worked a lot with player sales and spillerlogistik. So I think I can be with to lift the AaB and contribute with my skills to both trænerteamet and the athletic department by requiring the leverancekrav, we have through the sporting system in the club.”