If all goes according to plan, the east jutland town of Tåning in the near future a change to its name.

A majority of the citizens want a change in the spelling. Pleasure sounds, that the city shall be named ‘Tånning’ rather than ‘Tåning’.

It writes TV2 east Jutland, which also have talked with the guy behind the proposal, Sune Fredslund Andersen.

“We want to be consistent between speech and writing. In the city, we say, namely, ‘Tånning’ and not ‘Tåning’,” he explains.

In total, 136 residents of the city written under a name change, which corresponds to slightly more than half of the city’s inhabitants. A local support for the proposal was also a requirement from the Stednavneudvalget, before the proposal could live on.

Later on Wednesday, city councillors in Skanderborg Municipality to vote on whether the change will be current. The mayor of Skanderborg Municipality, Frands Fischer (P), expect, however, that there will be major protests against the proposal, he says to TV2 Østjylland.

the modification process does not stop here. Approve the city council proposal, it must go through four weeks of consultation. In the four weeks has citizens in Tåning Parish opportunities to come up with objections.

It is not the first time in recent times, a Danish town changes its name. Earlier in the year shifted another jutland town namely name from the ‘Hov’ to ‘Hou’.