The landslide victory in the primaries of the Likud party has breathed energy to Benjamin Netanyahu to address within two months of the third legislative elections that celebrates Israel in less than a year. More than ever, the prime minister seeks to legitimize itself in the polls after having been accused by the attorney general in three cases of corruption. “The people support the right, and the most supportive to me”, he proclaimed to his supporters this Friday in Tel Aviv in celebration of his triumph by 72.5% of the vote against the former minister Gideon Saar (27,5%) in the dispute over the leadership of the conservative party. The head of Government for more time he has held power in the jewish State used the event to launch his election campaign with a plan that puts the last nails in the coffin of the palestinian State.

“The future is in our hands”, he promised his followers, that we have supported with overwhelming loyalty in spite of the double failure suffered by Netanyahu to try to form a Government after the parliamentary elections of April and September. “We’ve won because of this wonderful decade we have offered the country in economy, security and foreign affairs,” boasted the president, who governs so uninterrupted since 2009. Are the reasons weight that tends to come up with to try to remain in power.

Despite the threat of infrastructures and public services collapsed by overpopulation, Israel has an unemployment rate of 3% and a per capita income of close to $ 40,000 annually, compared to the 30,000 in Italy (average for the EU) or 25,000 of Spain. It has also become the military power unchallenged in the middle East, although Iran and its militias allied have taken hold in neighboring Syria during the war. Few leaders, for others, they enjoy the international recognition of Netanyahu or are frequently received at the White House or the Kremlin, although their visits to the main countries of the EU are increasingly spaced.

Validated his leadership on the great conservative party –and the centre-right israeli– Netanyahu-accurately supports parliamentarians in addition to their proven experience in economy, security and diplomacy to be able to continue governing. “While the Likud is led by a defendant for bribery, fraud, and abuse of power, we will go for the path of unity and reconciliation in Israel,” he replied on Twitter the leader of the opposition center-left, Benny Gantz, to give to understand that it will refuse to form a coalition with a defendant for corruption. Before the predictable repetition of the tie between the great ideological of the Knesset (Parliament) in anticipation of the polls, Israel seems doomed again to a political blockade.


Netanyahu triumphs in the primaries of the Likud, despite the imputation of corruption, Israel calls the third elections in less than a year, The attorney general of Israel, accuses Netanyahu for bribery and fraud

The new election process may continue until next may if the results of the parliamentary elections are still not conclusive and dilate the negotiations between the parties. As the head of Government in office, Netanyahu is not forced to resign, although he has had to give up the portfolios they accumulated: Health, Social Affairs, Agriculture and Jewish Diaspora. Informed the Supreme Court that will leave the 1 of January, those charges because of the indictment of the prosecutor general. In your control almost absolute power, monopolized key positions in the Cabinet to serve as Foreign minister for four years and as minister of Defense during a year.

Before the end of the year to the ruler await you also the judges of the High Court, which must resolve on petition of civil society organizations to prevent, after the next election, can receive the task of forming the Government as charged for corruption.

The attorney-general, who should decide on the issue on Sunday in a report prior legal, you prefer to wait for the Supreme court to decide on the admission of the demand. And the 2 of January, as too late, Netanyahu will have to ask the Knesset to grant her immunity in order to prevent justice to take its course relentlessly in the three corruption cases in which he has been formally charged.

In permanent campaign from a year ago, when it announced the early dissolution of the Parliament, the leader of the Likud recapitulated this Friday to his faithful in Tel Aviv a nationalist program as opposed to the two state solution, the only one that has widespread consensus in the international community, to put an end to the conflict between israelis and palestinians.

“we’re Going to reach new historical achievements,” he announced, after quoting the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the transfer of the U.s. Embassy from Tel Aviv, the withdrawal of Washington’s nuclear deal with Iran, the president’s statement Donald Trump in favor of israeli sovereignty on the Golan heights (syrian territory occupied since 1967) and the shift given by the USA to stop considering illegal jewish settlements in occupied palestinian territories.

a compilation of pledges from previous campaigns, Netanyahu has been synthesized for the first time in the same plan, the political will to bury before the birth of the palestinian State. “We will set our boundaries, we will achieve that the U.S. recognizes our sovereignty over the Jordan valley and northern Dead sea (in the west bank, under occupation), and also on communities (colonies), without any exception, that of Judea and Samaria (the west bank)”, said the prime minister, who also hoped to sign a Defense agreement with Washington, “that will preserve the freedom of action of Israel” to stop Iran and its allies, as well as seeking agreement of normalization of relations with arab countries that end in peace agreements.