Learn resilience in the peruvian highlands The hell of Malena, burned with acid in Oaxaca, Stopped a classmate for the murder of a 15-year old student in the center of Mexico

Peru closed the year with 164 cases of femicides, the highest figure in a decade. The last four, known this week, could serve to elaborate a thesis about these gender-based crimes: a women died in that fire, another shot, the following shots and the fourth stabbed. They knew of the abuse and the threats, which did not find understanding in the police forces, but rather ridicule and contempt. To complete the terrible picture, three of the four children of one of the victims also lost their lives at the hands of the aggressor. By now there are 15 dead, more than last year, but maybe 2019 even raise this bloody statistic.

The press of lima shake this Friday at the population with the murder of Maria Alvarado Cruz, caused by burns on 90% of his body. The husband -according to the investigations of the office of the Prosecutor – the doused with fuel and set her on fire early Thursday morning when she was sleeping. From the jungle, in the region of San Martín, the woman was transferred to a hospital in Tarapoto, where he was admitted in intensive care. “It was impossible to transfer her to Lima,” said the director of the health center, Guadalupe Mamani. The Public Ministry has accused Leoncio Daza, of 50 years, by femicide and severe injuries, and has requested the Judiciary to 18 months of preventive detention while they continue the investigation.

Just 24 hours later, Catty Rivers Alfaro, 40, received several gunshots that took her out of the dream to move it to the death. The woman slept in his stall at a christmas fair in Chanchamayo, in Junin region in the central jungle. Those who knew her told that she was suffering constant threats by Edward Grimaldo Ramos Chuquimantari, the father of her four children, reported the Press Chanchamayo. She had denounced by psychological violence in August 2018.

The victim’s mother, Gisela Alfaro, told Radioprogramas that the police did not pay attention to the case. “Mom, my husband threatens to kill me, I’ve gone to the National Police and not ignore me. I said: you are idle, you have not cooked, have not washed, so your husband has hit you,” he told the station, citing the words of his daughter.

Elizabeth Cardenas, a co-worker of the murdered, said: “each time the enemy was. He said: ‘if I get to prison, you killed it with all my children.’ How many times I said, ‘sepárate from that wretch,” recalled the trader, one of the first people to learn of the femicide.

In a statement, the Prosecutor’s office of peru has indicated that this woman had expressed his intention of severing the relationship with Bouquets “by being violent and jealous”, and that the individual followed when he came back from another city where he went to buy merchandise, shot him in the head and fled the scene.

shock was killed in Otuzco, in the sierra norte, Martina Cruz Haro, 41-year-old. Your partner has committed suicide after. Both bodies were found Monday by the family of the victim.

Demonstration against the peruvian Police this Saturday. Karen Bernedo

The sinister statistics of these last days is completed with the quadruple murder of Jessica Tejada and three of their four children. The assailant, John Huriapata, he killed her to death and then set fire to the house where were also killed three children, two were daughters of the criminal. Occurred in the district of El Agustino, in Lima, the early hours of Saturday. The screams alerted the neighbours who went to ask for help to the police station, just 160 metres from the house, but the police took 40 minutes to arrive. Since it was useless: the newly born, for a month, died from asphyxiation and burns, according to the necropsy that was able to access the newspaper Trade. The other small was two years old.
The greater, of 15, died, stabbed trying to defend his mother. Only survived the nine, who was able to escape, but it was the bitter drink to see dying with two of his brothers. The assailant has been arrested and will be remanded in custody for 18 months.

Two days after the crime multiple, the six officers of the police station in San Cayetano, were removed from their positions and the Office of the Ministry of the Interior denounced criminally before the office of the Prosecutor, but the minister, Carlos Morán, has not assumed responsibility for any policy.

on the other hand, the continuity of the minister of Justice, Ana Teresa Revilla, has been in question because of this case. When leaving midnight mass in the cathedral of Lima, a group of journalists asked him to comment on the femicide of Tejeda and-according to the version of the officer – he did not hear the question and excused herself from responding by being “in the moment of Christmas.” A few steps later, he condemned the fact, but your first response was made viral, and opinion leaders and some tabloids of the capital city demanding his resignation.

The Association of peruvian women affected by Forced Sterilizations (AMPAEF) rejected this Friday in a press release, the statements of Revilla: “His words are unaware of a problem so serious and widespread of human rights in our country.” “We demand the Government, and in particular the sector of Justice and Human Rights, that articulates with the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations, an effective policy of prevention and of truth, justice and reparation for the victims and survivors of feminicide”, adds the statement.

in view of the criticism of the Government for the increase of crimes of machismo, in a press conference, the president of the Council of Ministers, Vicente, Zeballos, said Friday night that the government has provided $ 170 million “in additional to combat violence against women”. Despite the 164 femicides registered in Peru this year and more than 330 attempts, according to information from the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE), only 92 people have been admitted to prison for these crimes, y136 per attempt.