Everything was perfectly scheduled, but at the last moment failed again CKD. Although this time it seems that it has a solution. Not like in February. Then, when the block of the motion of censure that led to Pedro Sánchez to the power they had to approve Budgets progressives, the republicans broke the board by filing an amendment to the whole which ended up forcing the PDeCAT to register another and finally concluded with the Accounts of Cristobal Montoro again extended, and the legislature is finished.

In July, after elections that gave a victory clear at the center-left, was not CKD who failed, because republicans already had changed strategy and were willing to abstain in the investiture of Pedro Sanchez in exchange for nothing. That were once the PSOE and United we Can which they stumbled over their inability to agree.

again, after the repeat elections of 10 November, with results much more complex, the block of the motion of censure of 2018 began to refocus, as with Junts per Catalunya definitely out. Little by little, with much effort, everything was ready for the yes of CKD Sunday, that should endorse a Consell National convened today, Monday. The PSOE and ERC outlined the sabbath the formula is definitive to the table of governments after a meeting on Friday, the dome of the republicans met on Sunday morning to assess the latest proposal and the socialists stayed all afternoon waiting for the answer, that assumed that it would be positive.

While, everything was ready for a long day with all the other partners to put in place machinery to present the agreements and begin the investiture on January 2 and conclude on the 5th. They were all on notice. Leaders of United we Can, the PNV and other smaller allies remained that tense waiting to the response of CKD, which is ready to implement all what we agreed in the last few frantic days of sharing of papers and calls.


DIRECT The arrangements for the investiture of Pedro Sanchez, the last time in direct PSOE and United we Can will be raising taxes on the rich and go beyond what is foreseen in the labour reform The agreement of the PSOE-United we Can for a coalition Government to complete The State bar requests the Supreme that allows Junqueras go to the European Parliament to pick up their act

And at the end, again, failed republicans. This time there was a “no”, that would have been an absolute disaster, but a “we need a little more time.” The Consell Nacional “will not, in any case before the end of the year,” said ERC to the last hour of the Sunday afternoon. Monday was ruled out as the day for the announcement.

again, the internal debate of the republicans delayed the investiture, which was due to be convened on December 16 and has already suffered three delays. Both the PSOE as in United we Can as in the PNV are absolutely convinced that the final response of CKD will be yes, and that is what moved the partners to republicans. But the things within this game are not simple. Its leader, Oriol Junqueras, is in jail. His number two, Marta Rovira, in Switzerland. Each decision costs a lot. So the rest of forces has decided to move forward to put even more pressure.

CKD is left all alone with her doubts in the midst of a wave of predictable enthusiasm within the left, by a Government that is already almost touching with their progressive measures and strong indignation on the right that has already begun loading incredibly tough against an Executive not yet born.

In cascade, one behind the other, the groups that decided to dismiss Mariano Rajoy in a motion of censure in 2018 to aupar to Pedro Sanchez are leaving in evidence only a lack of CKD, which is becoming more and more difficult for the republicans to refuse to an endowment that is the only option to not to repeat the elections -something that could give wings to Vox – and above all to open a dialogue in Catalonia.

The PNV, always influential in the world of the pro-independence Catalan, has been the that has clearly released such a message to the present today, and the first and Andoni Ortuzar to the front, the agreement with Sanchez. United we Can, which was already fully committed after the photo of the hug and the pact coalition, has topped filing with the PSOE agreement progressive that will take all the space of the debate.

if this fence outside little, has come to Bildu, a partner of ERC, which has already made it clear that he does not expect the republicans: poised at their bases that it is best to abstain, as it was intended. All of these movements, and those who will follow of other groups, they leave more evidence that the pro-independence people have to make a decision that was planned for this weekend.

The republicans have shown in the past that his ability to surprise and go against the tide is huge, but the message we have received today does not leave place to doubts. All are waiting to CKD. The sensations coming from this group indicates that it is a matter of days, that just need a little more time. Can’t afford a delay, and more in the middle of the holidays. But now you hardly could do is a shock. The margin that has left them is very narrow. Everything indicates that in a few days will come the final answer.