“it’s nothing personal, but we can dispense with your position because the books do not eat”. Lola Macias has etched the excuse that he gave the rector of the seminary of Cadiz to dismiss a July 5, 2017. The librarian of the institution up to that time was one of the first to join a list of more than 20 employees dismissed so fulminant for the bishopric of Cadiz in the last eight years. From this past December 19, thickens also another relationship, that of ex-workers of the bishop Rafael Zornoza that the justice has given the reason to dispense with them without justified reasons.


employee copy to the street in a week A court declares inadmissible the dismissal of an administrative that was replaced by a robot The Supreme court declares inadmissible the dismissal of a wiper of the Clinic who chained 242 contracts

The Room of the Social of Seville of the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) has confirmed the impropriety of the dismissal of Macias and has condemned the seminary —dependent of the bishopric,— to indemnify the exbibliotecaria with 3.800 euros and take the 600 euros of costs from your lawyer. The judgment 3261/19 comes to corroborate a previous judgment of the Court of the Social Number 3 in Cadiz, which already gave the reason to the extrabajadora in may of 2018 and that the institution appealed against. Against the decision of the TSJA to an appeal in cassation, although the Church in the province of cadiz has not wanted to make statements or to clarify whether to exercise this right.

in Addition of that sentence that Macias doesn’t get forgotten, the seminar delivered a letter in which she claimed that the dismissal was due to his position “had been distorted and minimized until it has become empty of content”, according to the reasoning contained in the judgment of the TSJA to which has had access THE COUNTRY. However, the more than 15,000 copies by the librarian guarded and famously had not vanished, nor the pupils who gave service. “The books continue to exist (…) and shall not be credited with respect to the previous year there is an actual decrease in the number of seminarians,” according to abundant the ruling of the court in andalusia.

“For me it is not a joy because I am I have lost job after 17 years of dedication,” notes Macias. The degree in Philology began to work without a contract for the seminar in the year 2000. Until 2005 he was not given of high in the category of auxiliary file with a contract of 12 hours per week for the one that won 330 euros per month. However, in the previous trial in Cádiz —and despite a witness who confirmed this— the exbibliotecaria failed to demonstrate the first five years that he was employed without being discharged.

Macias worked for years under the promise that we “would extend the day”, although that did not occur. A few years after the arrival of Zornoza of the diocese of Cadiz —in October 2011, the library began to perceive changes that we were warned of that in the seminar all agreed to save a salary.” The director of studies decided to distribute the books in the classrooms and the management handed the keys to seminarians of trust, as argued by the own bishopric in the first trial. “After the loyalty, I paid as well. It was very sad and very hard,” says this mother of two children who, at 40, has not succeeded in re-finding work.

a Lot has changed in the diocese of Cádiz from which it was ruled by Antonio Ceballos, current bishop emeritus. The prelate came to be investigated in the plot fraudulent ERE after a request to the Junta de Andalucia a help to be able to maintain an allocation of 50 workers of a geriatric, closed then by works. The judge Maria Nunez ended up filing his cause to consider your request “fair and adequate”. The attitude of Ceballos contrasts with that of the current pontiff of Cadiz, Rafael Zornoza, noted for its dismissal of employees and dismiss them from their posts and responsibilities to priests opposed to him, as Rafael Once.

Ensures the philologist that he decided to report what happened and narrate it now “for those who are going through the same thing not to shut up”. “There is a lot of fear among the workers”, said the cadiz, in reference to the employees who continue to work for the bishopric. In fact, the past month of June, the same court of the Social of Cadiz already ruled that the Church of Cadiz —which has appealed the ruling— had acted moved by “a retaliatory business” to dismiss C. A. M., a administrative 46-year-old, whose dismissal was declared null and void. Your case, in addition to the guardesa of a convent of San Fernando, to which the bishop wants to evict despite the fact that she claims that the house in which he lives was a payment in kind for their work.

“At least, are 20 those affected by layoffs similar,” said one employee who preferred to remain anonymous. The homeless have emerged from among the more than 30 workers, that the bishopric has spread in various locations in the capital, without having a number not determined number of employees in Caritas and in the more than 120 parishes throughout a diocese that encompasses the coast of Cadiz and the city of Ceuta. Macias points to a possible culprit: “Everything has changed since you came this bishop. Is making real desbarajustes”. And C. A. M. has already said in his time to THE COUNTRY that this had a cause: “The diocese now has a line of ultra-conservative, they want people of that ideology and not to those who do not think like them.”