The Catalan Association of Víctimes d Organitzacions Terroristes (Acvot) has pointed out directly in the National court, the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, by supporting members of the Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR) alleged crimes of terrorism. In an appeal lodged in the Criminal section against the release under bond of Alexis Codina, one of the detainees, the collective has targeted the head of the regional government by “support institutionally” support to the investigation, “leading in many cases to actions that may be constitutive of unlawful acts”.

The association requested in the document, which has had access to THE COUNTRY, and revoked the release of this member of the COR —”that had direct contact with the materials intended to be artifacts”— and insists that the risk of leakage not only persists, but has worsened due to the support that the defendants have been found between ‘the voluntary sector and institutional more radical pro-independence Catalan”. In fact, the popular accusation recalls that the Parliament approved at the beginning of December a resolution which demanded “the immediate release” of those incarcerated.

In recent weeks, the National court has released on bail five of the seven CDR imprisoned. In the resolution on Codina, the Second Section of the Criminal Chamber reaches even to question that the investigated to integrate a terrorist group —although it does not exonerate them from criminal responsibility—. A point that also disagree with the Acvot: “it was a highly organized group”, with “division of roles” and hierarchy, and with a “clear interest to attempt” against installations of the Security forces, among others.