The alleged parallel diplomacy of Rudy Giuliani, irregular activity that is the basis of the plot ukraine that has caused the impeachment of the president, Donald Trump, was also extended to Venezuela, according to published on Monday The Washington Post. The former mayor of New York, and staff attorney of the representative american, who is not a holder of any position in the american Administration, participated in a telephone conversation in September 2018 with the president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, in the midst of the rising tensions between Caracas and Washington, which sought the dismissal is agreed by the bolivarian leader.

In the conversation was also present the then congressman for Texas Pete Sessions, confirmed to the journal his spokesman, Matt Mackowiak, who says that it was a follow-up call after a visit to the legislator republican Maduro in Caracas the previous spring. The visit of Sessions and the subsequent call were part of a diplomatic initiative in the shadows, supported in part by private interests, according to the Post, to arrange a negotiated settlement of Mature that would allow opening of new the country, rich in natural resources, private businesses, foreign.


A trip to Spain and a client venezuelan sink even more to Giuliani in the plot ukraine, Rudy Giuliani, fence to the minister of the shadows

The conversation of Giuliani with Maduro is another example of how the personal attorney of the president of the inmiscuĂ­a in u.s. foreign policy, sowing the seeds of confusion in diplomatic channels official. The research carried out by the congressmen in the last few months, which has led to the House of Representatives to approve this month the impeachment of Trump, an extraordinary process provided for in the Constitution by which the Senate will vote in coming weeks on the impeachment of the president on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, revealed a similar campaign orchestrated by Giuliani in Ukraine. The private attorney of the president, according to various testimonies at the Capitol, pressured officials ukrainians to announce that research to the political opponents of Trump the benefit of their electoral interests personal.

Sessions, represented in Congress a district that is home to oil companies that had interests in Venezuela, he returned from his trip to Caracas with a list of guarantees that he had accepted Maduro to leave power. But some u.s. officials, according to the Post, they suspected that it was just a way to legitimize the elections that would be held in may.

In summer, Giuliani began to speak with individuals associated with Mature. In September, Sessions was on the phone with Mature, and Giuliani took part in the conversation, according to the newspaper, without intervening too much during the time that lasted the same. The attorney moved the idea of a negotiated settlement with the Mature John Bolton, then-National Security adviser, but this is the scrapped.

hearings held in the Capitol is clear that Giuliani continued with his work in private consulting throughout the world, while representing the president, without charging for it, and arrogaba, in addition, an inaccurate representation of the american Administration. The prosecutor’s office of the southern district of New York, that the Giuliani headed before becoming mayor of the city, investigates the activities of the lawyer, following a case brought against two of its partners, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, arrested last October.

This is not the first time that Venezuela will cross in the activities of Giuliani. This summer, the entrepreneur Alejandro Betancourt Lopez, a resident at present in Spain, hired the attorney of the president Trump to help him circumvent a judicial investigation in Florida. The cause, by which eight persons, including the cousin of Betancourt, have already been accused, alleges that businessmen and official venezuelan conspired to steal money from the state oil company and blanched in the real estate market of Florida. Frames ukraine, and venezuela converged in Madrid: the 2 of August, mr. Giuliani met at a hotel in the Spanish capital with Andrei Yermak, assistant Zelenski, in order to realize the assignment that Trump had been made by phone to the president to be Ukrainian. The main reason for Giuliani for dating in Madrid was to meet with Betancourt, who was a guest in a historic farm of his property in Toledo.