EH Bildu do not want to get off the hook. The coalition led by Arnaldo Otegi is going to ask its bases if it matches with the direction in the direction of facilitate a Government of the PSOE and we Can, through the abstention of five deputies. In the absence of, perhaps, hours to know the definitive yes of CKD to the endowment, EH Bildu, which maintains direct communication with the party Oriol Junqueras, the thought that maybe they are faced with the last chance to achieve progress in the social field, over the right to decide and to the prison policy. The Board Policy of EH Bildu was agreed to query the past day 23, according to Naiz, the web edition of the journal next to the abertzale left, Gara.

The coalition will explain to their databases that allow a Government of the left in Madrid is in the heart of the word given in the election campaign, when they pledged to prevent the access of the extreme right of the Spanish Government. In addition, they believe, as ERC, that with Sanchez and Churches opens a “window of opportunity” for resolution of “the severe structural problems that emerge from the monarchic Regime of 78”. Also warn, to win the bases, of that the opportunity grant is the latest. Naiz said that he was “from a realistic perspective EH Bildu considers that a Government of this nature is the last opportunity for the State to demonstrate by way of the facts, and not of the statements, that the conditions exist for a real democratization of the State”.

The Table Policy of EH Bildu, the coalition of EA, Alternatiba and Sortu, considers, however, that the “democratization of the State” requires a clear will to resolve political problems through dialogue, negotiation and agreement, and a timetable set by obligations and deadlines around themes such as social cuts, “right to decide and prison policy”.

The address of EH Bildu explains that it is the same agenda that has already explained to the PSOE during the meeting with the delegation socialist the past 17 of December and that it had already made public prior to that appointment. Naiz accurate that it is “an agenda in defense of the interests of the peoples and workers of the State to reverse all the cuts in social, labour or freedoms have been produced over the past long years; an agenda that from the dialogue and the agreement to respect the character of the plurinational State and the right of their old nations to decide freely and democratically its future; an agenda for peace and coexistence, that in the Basque Country also passes through a change in prison policy that the adjustment to the legality and the rescue is definitely the exceptionality in which you have installed the old enemies of peace in our people.”