Urkullu wants a broad agreement between different people, to cope with the challenges of political, social and economic of the Basque country. In a speech to the year-end without allusions to the recent agreement of investiture between the PNV and the PSOE, Urkullu appeals to the responsibility of the forces of basque to build a new consensus that is greater than that achieved in his day the of Gernika. Despite the difficulties, the lehendakari explained that “it’s easy to agree that future is only between those who think the same. It is difficult to expand and widen agreements between different”. Urkullu, who faces the end of the legislature without surprises, after the budgetary pact signed with Elkarrekin we Can acknowledge that the incorporation of PP and EH Bildu to the covenant statutory is difficult but praises, though without citing it, the effort of the basque socialists, their partners in Government and the party purple because “it represents a change of attitude, a more open and inclusive understanding of the “us” of the basque people.


PNV and Bildu together to pass a motion in favour of the right to decide Urkullu bet for a “legal consultation, and agreed” to strengthen the self-government

Urkullu has chosen the tree of Gernika as a stage to discuss the future challenges of the basque people and has remembered the anniversary of the departure into exile of lehendakari Jose Antonio Agirre and his Government, as well as the 40th anniversary of the return from exile of Jesus Maria Leizaola. In this context, it has referred to the Basque country as a community that seeks new horizons and opportunities, while maintaining its identity and link with the Basque country. “We are in the midst of the debate on the future of the Self-governing basque”, he explained, just a month after the experts appointed by each party have been referred to the Paper on parliamentary Self-government, the reports with the agreements and dissents. PNV, PSE and Elkarrrekin We have achieved a document that you have agreed to numerous advances in society, but disagree on others such as the right to decide. “The key is to make an effort to join. Extend the points of encounter from the respect,” he said.

For Urkullu, the tree of Gernika symbolises the values and aspirations of the basques, “our historical rights. Also the injustices suffered, and, above all, the ability to move forward from this People,” he said, immediately followed by ask for a commitment to face the challenges of the future. The president has cited as its main objective the achievement of a quality employment, especially for “young people”, and a new business model more participatory and inclusive. Secondly, it has cited to the ecological challenge. “The weather emergency, energy transition, sustainable mobility is part of our priorities. Are part of the agenda of the institutions and basque society. We need to combine commitments and capabilities,” he explained. After you have cited the demographic challenge to what has been said that it is necessary a cultural change, and “resources to help families and reconciliation”, and in fourth place, has set as its objective the “integration and solidarity” with those who come to the Basque country.

“We have presented the Covenant Basque for Migration, an agreement on institutions and social entities to share a positive response of acceptance and integration. We are a people embraced, we must be a people friendly”, he proclaimed in a speech to the year-end in which neither has forgotten the equality between men and women. “We can’t forget the public policies to advance in the effective equality between men and women,” he explained.