After some negotiations very difficult that have lasted a year and a half, Russia and Ukraine have signed an agreement for the transit of Russian gas to Europe through territory of this country. The agreement between the Russian Gazprom and the Ukrainian Naftogaz has been renewed at the last minute before expiration of the current, and was closed on Monday night for the next five years. States that through territory Ukrainian is transported to 65,000 billion cubic meters of Russian gas in 2020 and 40,000 million annually in the remaining period, i.e. until 2024. These amounts may be increased by mutual agreement, the contract may be extended for an additional ten years, as was the desire of Kiev and the European Union.


Volodimir Zelenski, from the sprints to the marathon before the problem separatist Putin and Zelenski agreed in Paris a timetable to resume the peace process in Ukraine Five detained in Ukraine for the murder of a journalist in 2016

“The gas contract for the next five years between Russia and Ukraine is a commitment that was necessary to accomplish,” he said in the social networks, the Russian prime minister, Dmitri Medvedev. In addition to thereby ensure the supply of stable fuel to the EU, Moscow and Kyiv have decided to withdraw all claims to cross before the courts of arbitration and judicial on that to date there had been no judgment and waive the right to file new actions relating to contracts from January 2009. The passage of Russian gas by soil Ukrainian unleashed in the past hard clashes between the two countries.

On this point, insisted Moscow, that in accordance with a resolution of the Court of Arbitration of Stockholm was sentenced to pay 2,900 million dollars (about 2.371 million euros) to Kiev. Gazprom, which paid the payment at the end of last week, has now signed an agreement with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine according to which Kiev removed the rest of requirements to Russia, for more than 9.800 million euros more. “Now all the issues are regulated and the mutual claims void. The transit of Russian gas through Ukraine will continue in conditions that satisfy all parties”, added Medvedev.

“we have finally arrived in Vienna [where he signed the covenant] to final solutions and definitive agreements”, stated the term of “five days in a row of bilateral negotiations” Alexei Miller, the chief executive of Gazprom, the Russian monopoly that it signed with Naftogaz, the agreement of transportation of gas through territory of Ukraine. The company ukraine is in charge of the organization of transit of the fuel.

Miller also stated that the new agreement restores the balance of the interests of both countries and shows once again that Gazprom “is a responsible supplier and a serious partner”.

Yuri Vitrenko, business development director of Naftogaz, has also been satisfied with the agreement achieved, and he has explained that this is governed by the principle of “pumped up and pays”. Has also secured the transit of gas is based on “european rules” and that the contract will guarantee to Ukraine not less than 7,200 billion dollars in the next five years, a figure that may substantially increase in case volumes of extra gas. The prime minister, Ukrainian, Alexei Goncharuk, has been even more optimistic in its calculations and has stated that the annual income for the passage of Russian gas will amount to 2,000 or 3,000 million dollars.

The vice-president of the European Commission, Maroš Šefcovic, and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, have concluded the agreement. “I am pleased that the talks held during a year and a half on the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine have been completed successfully. The continuation of the transport of gas through Ukraine starting January 1, 2020 is a good and important signal for ensuring the security of supply of this fuel in Europe,” said Merkel in a press release.

Putin and Zelenski move into a new exchange of prisoners

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, and the Ukraine, Volodímir Zelenski, held on Tuesday a telephone conversation during which they agreed on the need to perform a new exchange of prisoners in conflict in the separatist pro-Russian in the east Ukrainian. This time, the exchange may include prisoners of Crimea, annexed by Russia.

The two leaders, which recently agreed to in Paris a new calendar to resume the peace process, agreed to make “soon” lists agreed to release the ukrainians, “including crimeos” –that is to say, activists and tatars of the peninsula, imprisoned for opposing the russians – who are prisoners “in the Crimea and on the territory of Russia” and “russians in Ukraine”, as reported by Kiev.

Both countries have already made an exchange of prisoners last September, which included 70 people. The release of all prisoners of war in the hands of separatists pro-Russian, and in the power of Moscow was one of the promises made by Zelenski during the election campaign. In addition, the past dimingo, took place another exchange of prisoners between Kiev and the rebels in eastern Ukraine. The exchange freed 200 people. The presidents stressed the importance of the exchange to increase mutual trust.