The European Union rejects the expulsion of the charge d’affaires and the Spanish consul in Bolivia, a measure that considers “extreme and inamistosa”. At the request of spain, the EU delegation in Bolivia has expressed Tuesday his “deep concern” over the decision of the interim Government of The Peace testimony “inadmissible persons” to the two diplomats spaniards, to which he has given a deadline of 72 hours to leave the country. In reciprocity of this measure, the Spanish Government has expelled the chargé d’affaires and to the aggregates of the military and police of Bolivia in Madrid.

on Monday afternoon, a meeting was held of the heads of mission of EU countries with representation in Bolivia and the delegate of the EU in The Peace, during which the Spanish representative informed of what happened. “The EU delegation would also appreciate receiving as soon as a explanation on the part of the interim Government of Bolivia,” according to the press release.


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In the absence of the version in bolivia, the EU stresses that the expulsion of two diplomats “it is an extreme measure and inamistosa, that should be reserved for situations of gravity”. After the call to respect the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations, expresses its wish that the current crisis is overcome quickly.

given the circumstance that it was precisely a call by the EU ambassador to Bolivia, Lion of the Tower, to the missions community in The Peace for which trasmitiesen its support to the Mexican Embassy, harassed for weeks by military and paramilitary forces in bolivia, which gave rise to the visit the charge d’affaires and the Spanish consul presented to the legation of mexican, according to diplomatic sources.

After the departure of Bolivia of these two leaders, no later than Wednesday, there will be no in the Spanish Embassy in La Paz no diplomat, as Foreign do not expect the ambassador, Emilio Pérez de Ágreda, who is on vacation in Spain, return for now, according to the same sources. The ordinary business of the legation diplomatic will remain in the hands of the chancellor, a staff member who does not belong to the diplomatic career.

Although Bolivia has also announced the expulsion of the Spanish policemen who staged the incident to the mexican Embassy, they already had accomplished their mission in Peace and had planned to return immediately. The ambassador of Mexico in Bolivia, Maria Teresa Market, left the country on Monday, a few hours after it was declared “person non grata”, citing security reasons.

For his part, president Evo Morales, who resigned on the 10th of November, after losing the support of the Army, accused the interim Government that presides over Jeanine Áñez to seek the legitimacy that it does not have to exert “violence against brother countries”, in allusion to Mexico and Spain.