After the long delivery of the agreement between the PSOE and Esquerra to ensure the abstention of the training for independence in the debate of investiture, the republicans are now facing a pressure campaign on the part of the secesionismo closest to the route unilaterally to avoid any pact that allows the governance of Spain. The national council of CKD will be discussed this Thursday if you abstain in the second ballot of the debate of investiture in return for a table of dialogue between Governments to explore solutions to the “political conflict” in Catalonia. Its more than 200 members will decide in the midst of a climate of discontent even until the very Palau de la Generalitat. The president Quim Torra has expressed its disagreement to the vice president, Pere Aragonès, and both will meet tomorrow, Thursday. Although critical voices are also within (some militants of basis ask for a non-Sánchez) the party leadership shows confidence in that the national council will ratify its pact with the PSOE. “There will be fumata blanca”, pointed out this Tuesday sources of CKD.

Esquerra has always had to face the pressures of the rows neoconvergentes to, for example, by making a list unit in the different electoral events. Something that is popularly known as #pressingERC. Junts per Catalonia has shown more than enough skills to create that environment of pressure on your opponent’s sovereignty, although it has not always gotten away with it. The republicans have endured a greater or lesser extent, but the traffic will usually be painful. Last Monday, even before filing the agreement with the PSOE, about thirty members of the so-called Committees for the Defense of the Republic (CDR) protested in front of the headquarters of ERC.

Junts per Catalunya came out this Tuesday to criticize both the government agreement between Pedro Sanchez and Pablo Iglesias as the PSOE and ERC. “There seems to be a show of respect or loyalty to the president Quim Torra,” lamented the head of rows of the training of Carles Puigdemont in Madrid, Laura Borràs. Leaders of Junts ensure that you do not have reproaches to Esquerra and who want to be prudent to wait to know all the conditions of the negotiating table agreed. However, Borràs stressed that neither part of the Government of Junts nor the Torra feel called to participate in a table whose design, he said, have not taken part. The mp did not rule out that tensions could have an impact on the Government.

“Is to go to a blind date. We do not know if in this table there are topics that have been vetted. We do not know if it is a subject of negotiation, or of salvation of Sanchez. We do not believe in the empty promises or the toast to the sun,” said Borràs. And even dropped the PSOE negotiated with Esquerra because the conditions in these were less demanding than those which would Junts. The republicans have 13 seats in the Congress of Deputies and the formation of Puigdemont, 7.

The Assemblea Nacional Catalana has also been added to the campaign of pressure to CKD. This Tuesday its president, Elisenda Paluzie, aware of the Consell Nacional de la formation is controlled by the team coordinator and vice president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, called “bases” to make a “reflection on the enormous risk” that entails, according to her, the agreement with the PSOE. The platform independence that has led the mobilizations in the street in the past few years with Omnium prevents you from making calls to the protest to pressure the dome of the republicans, but he said that the stance of CKD “puts at risk the unity of the pro-independence” one more time.

Paluzie assumes that CKD was submitted to the general elections under the banner of dialogue, a commitment that was reaffirmed in the presentation policy that was approved two weeks ago at the party congress by a wide majority. But at the same time charged against the formation republican because they believe that it weakens the secessionist movement in a moment in which, according to its analysis, had come out strengthened by the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union to recognize the immunity of the imprisoned Oriol Junqueras. “This agreement doesn’t help us out”, he argued, Paluzie, who said it will be difficult to maintain an international condemnation about the Spanish politics of the time is negotiated to facilitate a Government and offered signs that the “internal conflict is being resolved”. “We see structural hazards very large,” he summarized.

The ANC understands that Esquerrra assumes the agreement with the PSOE, without having been able to achieve the three objectives that demanded the sectors most hard of the pro-independence: complete the process of self-determination, “the end of the repression” and the release of the leaders sentenced. These are the same criticisms that assumes the collective 1 October, a group of militants of the basis of CKD, which complains that the address that do not give more participation to the militants in decision making. This platform, for example, already had a lawyer by the not to failed Budgets of the State and criticised the fact that it is put at the Ernest Maragall as a candidate for mayor of Barcelona after the internal consultation chose Alfred Bosch.

The group, however, showed little weight in the last congress, when one of its visible faces did not get enough votes to achieve a seat in the national council of the training. All in all, the discussion within ERC on the pact with the PSOE was internal, and some sources claim that there were votes against in the executive meeting held last Monday, one end that the match is not confirmed. Although until now the bases have accompanied to the stake by the dialog of the address that still leads Junqueras from prison, it is not ruled out that this Thursday there may be some debate in the Consell Nacional, despite the fact that all the forecasts suggest that it will ratify the pact with the PSOE.

The decision to abstain in the investiture to achieve the table of dialogue could also involve CKD lose an ally election. It is Demòcrates, the christian democrats independence party, which came out of the now-defunct Joined and that in the last Catalan elections went in coalition with the republicans. “When you are in conflict and you know that your enemy always cheats, and which also has hostages held, having the votes to do it, the last thing you do is stabilize it”, tweeted Antoni Castellà, visible head of Demòcrates. Sources of such training explained that they will discuss a possible departure of its two mps in the CKD group in the Parliament.