When there is little left to invent, the nostalgia can be the most modern. In a time in which the billboard is packed by sagas of superhero or galactic and remakes, in the dial abound radiofórmulas music ochentera and noventera, there’s an entire industry for those who made the GBS and the fashion surrenders again to the retro, there could be no better plan for the after-hours home on new year’s Eve that the special Cachitos of iron and chromium in The 2. And, in order to exploit the nostalgia, nothing like the music: you heard of kid a mark on you forever, and a couple of chords have the power to give memories hidden. Cachitos play it with skill throughout the year, drawing oil from the huge file of TVE. But every new year’s Eve give it a twist that has proven to be a gold mine: the parts of a song more than half a century are presented with tags hilarious, the result of the genius of Pablo González Batista and Antonio Vicente.


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Cachitos is made with craft, but it would not be the phenomenon in which converts every new year’s Eve without that amp that are social networks, where a multitude jelly all their jokes in the first morning of the year and the reviews the next morning. “The dresses of the Pedroche put them Rafaella to buy bread”, we read about a performance of a curvaceous Carrá. “This year For what you’ll have stuck very strong in the headquarters of Citizens,” see you when sounds the theme of Jeanette. Appears Manolo Escobar and write: “Ortega Smith likes this”.

One would tend to think that this program is intended for a public talludito, to relive his best years, but that last shocking also demonstrates its appeal to the millennial and the zetas, prying in the hymns and the extravagance of their parents and even their grandparents. It’s good to take perspective, to understand that —at the margin of hairstyles, costumes, and choreography that is age wrong— before Rosalia existed Massiel, that before you Tow, there were The Lumps, they don’t get to Vetusta Morla without passing by Formula V.

The rush of nostalgia is not only a demographic, that also. It has to do with the dread of the risk and installed in the cultural industry, which bet everything safe. Program 2 demonstrates very able to laugh at himself, which is healthy. I wonder what will remind you of the current weather in Cachitos of the future.