there will be No self-determination referendum in Catalonia. The PSOE has denied categorically that the query to the “citizens of Catalonia” the potential agreements that may be reached in the bilateral committee between the Government and the government agreed with ERC to open the door to a legal consultation on the relationship of the autonomous community with the rest of Spain. “A consultation is not a referendum of self-determination. We do not support a query for independence,” has settled José Luis Ábalos. The secretary of Organization of the socialist and minister of public works functions has emphasized that they are “willing to discuss any initiative” and “knowing the reasons” that defends CKD —whose abstention was key to the success of the inauguration of Pedro Sanchez, who has not appeared after the executive, “but that doesn’t mean to share them”. The PSOE defend a federal model as a solution to the crisis territorial, and a new statute of autonomy for Catalonia.

The number three of the PSOE has had an effect on the “scrupulous respect of the law and our constitutional order” in the covenant with the republicans against criticism that the agreement does not contain explicitly any reference to the Constitution. The agreement speaks of “respect for the principles governing the legal order democratic.” “This phrase is much more inclusive, and obviously the Constitution presides over the set of rules. This expression incorporates the Magna Carta, and the whole of the legal system”, has been observed Ábalos. The socialist leader has stressed that the agreements that subscribe will be outlined in the law “at that time”, always respecting the Constitution. Faced with the possibility that it could change the Fundamental Law for a query to be validated —in a query “in accordance with the mechanisms provided or that may be expected in the framework of the legal-political system”, according to the text agreed by consensus with CKD—, Ábalos has stated: “In politics we do not can put on a corset. The policy is something dynamic.”


ERC agrees to refrain, and clears the investiture of Pedro Sánchez agree that the table of dialogue with the Generalitat boot in 15 days and submit the agreements to a query

The plenary session of the executive committee of the PSOE, composed of fifty members, has ratified this Friday the agreement with Esquerra for the inauguration of the socialist candidate on the 7th of January. In it, Sanchez has held, according to sources present, the attraction to the social democracy of those who intended to storm the skies, in allusion to United we Can, his partner of Government in the chief Executive of the coalition since the Second Republic. The chairman-in-office has also reviewed at the meeting, the abandonment of CKD of the one-sidedness. The most immediate consequence has been the breakdown of the block independence: the president Quim Torra has been unchecked to the agreement of its partners in the Government.

“We continue to maintain our position, which is well-known, and is to maintain the territorial integrity of Spain, and we are not in favour of self-determination”, insisted the minister of Development in functions on the agreement with Esquerra. Abalos has been accused by the PP, Vox and Citizens to “boycott” the formation of a Government in the last eight months to play an “agenda obstructionist”. “What they can’t do the blockers, who have decided to stand at the margins, is to reproach ourselves with now its irrelevance,” said the number three of the socialists. One of the reflections that Sanchez has been shared with the leadership of the PSOE is that the criticisms of the right, in particular Paul Married, are summarized in the PP you don’t want that other party to be governing. “You don’t even want to exert the opposition to be self-conscious by another group. With your attitude are strengthening,” said Abalos in an implicit reference to Vox, third force of the Congress from 10-N. the territorial leaders of The PSOE closed ranks, with Sanchez after the request of speaker Cs, Ines Arrimadas, to “restrain” the agreement of investiture with the Esquerra.

In the agreement with ERC, the socialists are also committed to begin its work within a period of 15 days from the formation of a Government. “The PSOE has done what is necessary to unblock the situation. We sat down with all those who were willing to talk. There are parties that have assumed this responsibility, and others who have fled from it,” said Abalos. The minister of public works functions has reiterated that the agreement with Esquerra respects the law: “The approach and the dialogue always reinforce democracy, never weaken”.

Agreement of endowment

The pact with Esquerra does not ensure their support to the Budgets of 2020, a condition that for the PSOE was essential. Even so, both in Ferraz as in The Moncloa argue that the support of the republicans to the accounts will be subject to the process of dialogue. “It is an agreement to procure the endowment, and that the legislature walk. It is not a pact of government, is to unlock the current situation and that is to exceed the lock-intentioned of other forces”, has been recognized Abalos, who thereupon has noted that the “process to resolve the political conflict must be accompanied by a Government (…) it Is evident that the process of dialogue would be weakened by instability of the Government”.

Sanchez needed the approval of the executive —the federal committee, the highest body between congresses, will be convened in the coming weeks, once formed the Government— the agreement programmatic with United we Can as to the covenant with republicans, approved Thursday by the Council National of CKD, and that implies the endorsement of this body to the abstention of its 13 deputies to his investiture. With the abstention of the republicans and the support of Teruel Exists, and New to the Canary islands and other minority groups, such as the BNG, and coalición Canaria, who will vote this Friday, Sanchez would count with the adequate support to leave invested in a second vote Tuesday that comes by adding more ayes than noes. This Friday they have signed agreements for the endowment with New Canary, Compromís and Teruel Exists. The PSOE hoped to win back the support of the regionalist cantabrians. The PRC was the only ally of the socialists in the endowment failed of July. Their leader, Miguel Angel Revilla, has approved a 180-degree turn after learning of the agreement with CKD, which sees concessions unacceptable to the pro-independence. “We kept a dialogue reliable, we are left with the hope and possibility of rectification. On the argument of the unity of Spain… we are already us to defend the unity of Spain,” said Abalos.

The Organizing secretary of the PSOE in Cantabria, Noelia Cobo, has warned this Friday at PRC that are not rectified its decision not to support the inauguration of the socialist candidate “will have broken the compact of government” in this autonomous community, in which the leader of the PRC, Miguel Angel Revilla, governs in coalition with the PSOE.

The loss of his only partner in the summer reflects how important each vote. Not just the Left. “We are hostages of the 350 deputies of the Congress, the majorities in the Parliament, which has to approve the budgets and any measure that we bring. We will touch a lot of political negotiation: the minority groups acquire much relevance in the Parliament a more plural and more representation than ever,” he nodded, Ábalos. The legislature will be negotiated day-to-day in the Congress.

García-Page: “Any relationship of bilateralism will have to be with all communities equally.”

The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, one of the more belligerent with the pro-independence, requires that “any relationship of bilateralism that you want to bring it up,” that is, “with all the autonomous communities, by the same, and always from the record that the Government of Spain represents the country as a whole”.

The baron of the socialist party agrees that the dialogue “is the best way to resolve conflicts”, but claim to be “genuine and effective” it must “incorporate all the representatives of all spaniards”.

“What affects the whole of Spain should be the subject of appreciation and vote of each and of all spaniards. You can’t make a query of territories separately, except the mandatory reforms of Statutes of Autonomy after the voting by the parliament”, it has validated the president of an autonomous region in a press release. Something that matches Ábalos.

“If they are issues that affect the environment of the community, do not have to vote the other. The Statutes of autonomy do not vote for all spaniards, a reform of the Constitution to the vote of all spaniards. We did not ask anything that is outside of the legal precepts. If we talk about a territorial reform of the State, affect the State as a whole. It is not a matter of national sovereignty, we are not in this area”, explained the secretary of Organization of the PSOE.

“We need to find proposals that raised the most support in Catalonia, not to divide Catalonia. For the greater part of the Catalan society to feel concerned,” concluded the number three of the socialists.