The State attorney has called for this Friday the Supreme Court to suspend the processing of the euroórdenes against Carles Puigdemont, and Toni Comín while the European Parliament not to lift their immunity as members of parliament, a step that has been claimed to apply “as soon as possible”. The institution that defends the interests of the Government responds to the investigating judge of the procés, Paul Llarena, who called on the parties to pronounce on the situation of the former president of the Generalitat and of the exconsejero after the Court of Justice of the EU recognized the immunity of Oriol Junqueras as a euro mp.

On the report of 14 pages, submitted this Friday to the magistrate and signed by Rosa María Seoane, the Law considers that you would not have to ask the suplicatorio if Puigdemont and Comín lived in Spain, you would apply the national legislation and the authorization of legislation it is enforceable when the person is pre-processed, as occurs in both cases. The legal services of the State are also calling for a Llarena that you send to the Parliament the judgment of the procés translated into French and English to make it clear that there was “political motive” in the prosecution of these acts.


Puigdemont announces that Belgium has suspended the euroorden against

Although last Thursday Puigdemont announced that the belgian justice has already suspended the processing of the euroórdenes because they both enjoy parliamentary immunity as members of parliament, and this Friday was confirmed by the prosecutor’s office of Brussels, the legal services of the State still have not received formal notification of that resolution. In different situation is the exconsejero Lluís Puig, who is not a politician is elected, so that the euroorden against you has not been suspended, and therefore, according to the prosecutor’s office in brussels, you must appear before the belgian court of first instance, the next 3 February at a hearing that was initially scheduled for the three pro-independence leaders.

The suspension of the euroorden in Belgium for Puigdemont and Comín, fled in Belgium since more than two years ago, came two weeks after the judgment of the european court which ruled that the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras, should enjoy immunity since his election as a euro mp in the european elections last may. The ruling concluded that no national requirement —such as the obligation to abide by the Constitution— can prevent to take possession of his seat to a politician is elected, which has also benefited Puigdemont and Comín, to which the European Parliament has delivered a credential provisional meps. Following the suspension of the euroorden, will no longer be required to report to the belgian courts of its activities or to request authorization to leave the country.

The resolution of the euroorden of both is at the expense of the Supreme Court to ask the suplicatorio to the Parliament to take away the immunity and meps to vote if rob Puigdemont and Comín, of that protection to the belgian justice to decide if they can be sent to Spain to be judged for the crimes of sedicion and embezzlement.