Arrested in the united States, the great strategist of the mexican war against the narco, the fall of The lord of the war mexican justice of the U.S. condemnation of The Workpiece to life imprisonment for drug trafficking

Genaro Garcia Luna was declared innocent in his first appearance before the federal Court of New York. Arrested just a month ago by the us authorities, accused of up to four charges of corruption and organized crime, the statement exculpatory of the maximum head of the mexican police and the lord of the war on drugs during the Government of Felipe Calderón, opens the door to an impending trial that seems of high voltage by the names of the heavyweights who can bring to the fore the former secretary of Security (2006-2012) in its defense strategy.

it Was precisely in this same court of New York where he rang his name public for the first time during the process against Joaquin Guzman, El Chapo. The brother of Ismael El Mayo Zambada, Jesus The King Zambada, partner of Guzman, declared in a hearing in February 2018 that the Sinaloa cartel had bribed with payments millionaires Garcia Luna on at least two occasions.

Accustomed to the suits, the Harley Davidson and the Mustangs, Garcia Luna heard this Friday, shackled at the ankles, pale and disheveled, the charges imputed to him by the u.s. State Department. Is accused of being the arm of the Government that facilitated the cartel the world’s most powerful operate with impunity in Mexico, including the charges against the senior official of distribution and possession of cocaine, in addition to false statements to agents of the Customs Service, and Immigration.

The first bribe, according to Zambada, was of three million dollars and occurred in a restaurant in 2005. By then, Garcia Luna has occupied a position of high responsibility: director of the Federal Agency of Investigations (AFI) during the Government of Vicente Fox (2000 to 2006). Two years later, already at the front of the secretary of Public Security, there was another payment of between three and five million dollars.

The bribes had as the purpose, always according to the version of Zambada in the trial, to get me to be appointed as chief of police in Culiacan a trusted person of the poster, to “keep it in your pocket”. A version that was confirmed by the police investigation u.s. centered on García Luna, with the details of the payment of bribes was confirmed by “many witnesses”, in addition to see the connection criminal between the politician and the cartel prologue was written by at the time: there were “tens of millions of dollars in bribes over several years.”

As secretary of Public Safety, Garcia Luna was one of the maximum responsible of the strategy undertaken in 2006 by the Calderon administration to combat drug trafficking. The so-called war against drugs, the departure of the military from the barracks to patrol the streets in mexico, has claimed over 200,000 people dead and 40,000 disappeared.

For years, Garcia Luna kept a direct line with US. Was the architect of the us funding of the militarization of public security in mexico. Under his direction, the Federal Police force grew from 5,000 to more than 35,000 agents. And I get to be confident ambassadors of Washington. All with the aim of addressing the criminals of today who is accused of protect.

At the end of the Government of Calderón, García Luna moved with his wife to Miami, where he led several companies of security consultancy together with former former officials of the FBI, the CIA or the DEA. I had even begun the paperwork to obtain the american nationality. U.s. Prosecutors points out however that “financial reports related to the defendant, which reflect that at the time of his arrival in the United States, in 2012, had amassed a personal fortune that was inconsistent with the salary of a public official in Mexico”.

In Mexico, of time, the case begins to have ramifications. The financial police of the Treasury investigates the transfer of 2,000 million pesos (us $ 105 million) from the Secretariat of Interior (Segob) to a company related to Genaro Garcia Luna. Five officials from his close circle are also being investigated.

The trial looming, the next view is the 21 of January, you may not go to be as mediatic as that of The Cladding, but may shed new light on the political corruption of Mexico and to write a new narrative about the years of lead in the country.