Never in the recent history of Spain, a candidate for the endowment is faced with a complicated situation to defend his speech. The principles and convictions which appealed to the socialist Pedro Sanchez in the session failed last July, flew through the air on 10 November, the date of the last general election. Their rejection of compromise with the pro-independence or his veto to the presence of Pablo Iglesias in a coalition Government are already history. Your statement of intent in the inauguration speech of July —“My purpose is to form a Government, a progressive Government, with a premise: make it possible for the investiture to the Presidency of the Government of Spain does not depend exclusively on pro-independence groups”— became a wet paper after the 10-N. His appeal to the issue of coexistence that I lived Catalonia and its refusal to dialogue with a Government that he continued to defend the one-sidedness has gone now of a discourse that upholds the covenant with CKD in order to open a negotiation between the two Executives on the future of Catalonia.


DIRECT Discussion of the investiture of Pedro Sanchez, live

What follows summarizes, through the interventions of Sanchez in the parliamentary debates of last July and this Saturday, how it has evolved the thinking of the chairman-in-office in just a few months.

The relationship with United we Can

July 25, 2019. “I Chose my beliefs before that the presidency of a Government that would not serve Spain”. “on Monday, mr. Churches said that if not reached an agreement as he required, —and I quote verbatim, ” I would never be president of the Government. I’ll tell you something, mr. Iglesias: if you to be president of the Government I give up my principles, if I have to form a Government knowing that it will not be useful to my country, then you are right, I will not be president right now. I have given up valuable things for me rather than renounce my convictions. If you force me to choose between the Presidency of the Government of Spain that it would not be to Spain or opt for my convictions, I have no doubt, I choose my beliefs, I choose to protect Spain. Rule, lord Churches, is stepping on firm ground. To govern is to spend the we do not represent want to represent to many, with a purpose, which is to be useful to the public and, above all, those who will suffer most. To govern is to face reality. The left useful is the one that wins and serves the people and changes things. What is the use of a left that loses even when it wins? What are you going to do, lord Churches? (…) Still, lord Churches, without wanting to understand that a Government, a Government, a Government consistent and cohesive, not two Governments in a Government, mr Churches. We had heard the lord Churches to affirm that I wanted to enter in the Government to control us, and to know their proposals, we realized we wanted to get into the Government to control the Government.”

January 2020. “we Agreed to unite our forces for a Government united and cohesive”. “within 48 hours we reached an agreement to establish a coalition of progressive Government with United we Can to whom I am grateful for your support. It serves little purpose to point out the faults and it is more useful to try again on new foundations to ensure that both the two conditions that hindered the understanding of months ago, the principle of cohesion and suitability. We did that, because that is what we asked the Spanish and the Spanish in the past month of November. And we agreed that it had not been possible, to unite our forces, which will operate as a unified Government and shall be governed by the principles of cohesion, loyalty and solidarity as well as by the suitability in the performance of its functions”.

The problem of coexistence to dialogue to resolve the political conflict

July 23, 2019. “I do Not speak dialog when the lord Torra says it will do.” Reply to Laura Borrás (rapporteur of the group Junts per Catalunya): “do Not talk to me of dialog when we have a representative to the front of the Catalan institutions, in this case the Generalitat of Catalonia, as is the lord Torra, speaking of one-sidedness, and that they are going to re-do. I insist, I say with all clarity, ms. Borràs, the Government of Spain and, in my case, if I have a responsibility will of course manage the crisis of coexistence that exists in Catalonia since the dialogue within the Constitution and the law, but I’ll say one thing, ms. Borràs: that’s what we will do as you advance that it’s not going to happen again”.

January 4, 2020. “It is our obligation to renew the dialogue, the negotiation and the covenant.” “The solution will not come from the imposition of a tax on the other but a change of both perceptions. So, I suggest to this Chamber is to restart, to resume our political dialogue in the moment in which the paths diverged, and the reasons and the arguments ceased to be heard. To resume the dialog at the point at which the grievances started to pile up, to resume the path of politics, leaving behind the judicialization of the conflict. To resume the path of dialogue, negotiation, and the covenant because it is our obligation. And it is our obligation and our duty because we owe it to our children and our grandchildren, who deserve to live in a country united in its diversity, not fractured or confronted”.

July 23, 2019. “You have to open up a dialogue between Catalonia and Catalonia. Between catalans and Catalan”. “we Have to encourage also to the forces of parliament, the political forces of Catalonia and, particularly, to the independence forces —that what I repeat here today, so that it is written in the Daily Sessions, they do not have a social majority that will support to impose their thesis Catalonia’s independence— to open a process of dialogue between Catalonia and Catalonia, that is to say, the catalans have to speak with the catalans”.

January 4, 2020. “We’re going to create a table of dialogue between the Government of Spain and of Catalonia.” “As a result of that there is a political conflict that we have to resolve, I am announcing that we are going to create a table of bilateral dialogue between the Government of Spain and the Generalitat of Catalonia, to discuss within the constitutional framework and we’re going to put an end to this confrontation.”

July 23, 2019. “Responding to the social unrest by the derived sovereignty by reinforcing the welfare State”. “The way people respond to a good part of the social unrest that is behind the drift from pro-sovereignty forces policiescas Catalan, which right now are in independence when previously they were in Catalan nationalism, it is simply to reinforce the welfare State, the end of precarious work, to speak of a regeneration project of political, economic, social, and moral for Catalonia and for Spain as a whole”.

January 4, 2020. “The grievances are the product of the abandonment of the political track to confront a political conflict”. “feelings cannot be imposed by force, the key to cohesion is to count diverse feelings under the same rules of respect. Today there is a wide sector of Catalan society and a sense of grievance with regard to central institutions, that does not feel recognized and respected their personality. There is another sector equally wide of the Catalan population that feels ignored and treated unfairly by the institutions of his own land. And it exists in other parts of Spain, a rejection of the accusations that pour some pro-independence leaders on the Spain constitutional, and I include myself among them. And those feelings may have a greater or lesser rationality, but are undeniable, there are. And are the result of the political incapacity and the abandonment of the political track to confront a conflict that is political in nature”.

July 23, 2019. “This is a problem of coexistence, not a crisis between Catalonia and the Spanish State”. “In Catalonia there are many voices, there are many villages and there are many people who wants to stay in Spain and don’t want to follow the drift sovereignty in Catalonia, therefore, the problem is coexistence. It is not a problem between Catalonia and the Spanish State (…) The problem in Catalonia is a problem of coexistence, is not a problem of independence”.

January 4, 2020. “This is a political conflict. We have to leave behind the stems of the court”. “This is a crisis inherited and that we’re all allegiance constitutional to return to politics, a political conflict, allowing you to leave behind the drift judiciary that so much damage has been caused to the citizenship of Catalan and Spanish. Revisit the political path of dialogue, negotiation, and the covenant, covered logically by our Constitution. We took too much time accumulating grievances, in complaints, many of them sterile remaining time on issues that could provide us all greater prosperity and progress”.

July 23, 2019. “We will be able to find within the Constitution and Statute of Autonomy”. “And we will be able to find, mr. Ruffian, if within the Constitution and within the Statute of Autonomy can be to find ways of solution to the crisis in Catalonia. But the first and main premise that you have to put on the table is, one, to finish with the way one-sided, ending with these manifestations that the only thing you do is fill of capsizing the public debate in Catalonia, saying that they would do it again; and two, to sit at the table and be aware that what we have right now in Catalonia as a problem is a problem of coexistence and not of independence. The Government of Spain will defend the constitutional order, territorial integrity and national sovereignty. We begin to speak, begin to talk, but on a common basis. And such common ground does not create them neither you nor I nor the Republican Left or the Socialist Party, are much more spacious. It is called the Spanish Constitution and is called the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia”.

January 4, 2020. “Let’s open a honest dialogue supported by the safety granted by our legal framework”. “we All know that it is necessary to the dialogue, which must start from the recognition of the other, of the attention to their reasons, that there is no other way to resolve this conflict, there is no other way than through a dialogue that develops within the law. The law by itself is not enough and what we have seen. The law gives the conditions, dialogue is the way. Let’s open a honest dialogue supported by the safety granted by our legal framework. We can begin to solve the problem time latent for more than a decade with patience and perseverance, with temperance and responsibility, with generosity and empathy. The coalition of progressive will work for that.”