More than 40 minutes has taken the acting president, Pedro Sanchez, in getting into to the concrete proposals of its plan of Government. A battery of measures that “not only the sum of the program of the PSOE and United we Can, but it goes far beyond,” he assured the leader of the socialists, has repeated this Saturday, many of the initiatives advanced already in the document signed with Pablo Iglesias last Monday. Although he has not raised important developments, the chief Executive himself has shown a great change compared to July —when he failed in his attempt to investiture—: been taken out of his speech the reform of article 99 of the Constitution to ensure that Congress not be able to block the election of a president.

Autonomies. During his speech, Pedro Sánchez has entered no objections to the challenge of independence and has exposed, in line with the agreement with ERC, that his Government “will encourage dialogue in the area of Catalonia and, also, between the Government of Spain and the Generalitat”. “I insist, always within the constitutional framework”, has tempered the president of the Executive, by making explicit reference to the Fundamental Law, a precept that is not picked up the literalness of the covenant with the republicans.

The socialist has also insisted that it “will work” with the basque Government to “comply with the pending transfers” contained in the Statute, whose renewal has begun to address the Camera autonomic. In short, it has underlined Sanchez, “we will promote the participation of communities in decisions of the State and of the State in the proceedings of the autonomous community when it is affected the general interest”. “This legislature must be that of the territorial dialogue”, has apostille.


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Economy and Employment. The candidate for the Presidency is committed to the reforms of the labour market to pass before by the table of negotiation open with trade unions and employers: “This Government believes in social dialogue,” he said, before promising that the minimum wage will end this legislature in the 60% of the average wage, the repeal of the labour reform of 2012, or the drafting of a new Statute of Workers. “We will avoid any increase of the tax burden on the middle classes and workers, has also repeated the talk about tax reforms that anticipated and are detailed in their electoral program.

Sanchez has announced a policy to combat tax fraud, which, in addition, prohibited by “law” amnesties tax. Also remembered that will raise the income TAX for those who have a higher income than the 130,000 euros and will be launched “a Tobin tax —a tax on financial transactions— as they have in other countries”. “There will be fees more fair for the self-employed,” he added, addressing an area where it seeks to adapt the social security contributions of the employees for their own account with their real income and expand the social protection of this group, in line with that of the wage-earners.

Pension and Toledo Pact. Pedro Sanchez has committed to shielding the sustainability of pensions in the Constitution and to be updated with “cost of living”, that is to say, with the IPC. However, to benefit more low (the minimum and non-contributory pensions) has announced that it has the intention of earning purchasing power.

The socialist candidate has advanced, such and as provided for in the Government agreement signed with United we Can, which has the intention to renew the Pact of Toledo to ensure the sufficiency. Also intends that in that renewal, including recommendations to reduce the gender gap between men and women and, in addition, has anticipated his intention to ensure equality in the treatment of the pensions of widows of de facto couples.

“climate Emergencies”. The socialist has been reaffirmed in the commitment to that already announced in the programme agreed between the PSOE and United we Can: to approve a new Law of Climate Change and Energy Transition where you pick up the objective of achieving “the challenge of generation of electricity with 100% renewable in 2050”. He has also stated that it will reform the electricity market to reduce the electric bill; that will transform the Institute for the Restructuring of Coal Mining in the Institute for Just Transition. And it has announced different plans: among them, the National Plan of Purification, Sanitation, Efficiency, Saving and Reuse of Water.

Feminism and equality. In this area, Sánchez has adhered almost entirely to the agreement of Government that presented a week ago with United we Can, which includes old commercials and proposals of both parties. Although, yes, it has introduced some new nuances. The president has expressly quoted that it will work “to eradicate the prostitution and trafficking of human beings for the purposes of sexual exploitation” by a new law of trafficking. This reference to prostitution is a novelty with respect to the covenant of the coalition, that reinforces the stance abolitionist of the PSOE.

in Addition, the candidate has cited the adoption of a law to shield the consent (“only yes is yes”) in sexual relationships. Forward the SAR to the talk of families, “monomarentales”, emphasizing that the majority of those that have a single parent and a child are headed by women (more than 80% of the cases). Also planned new measures against gender-based violence. And he has insisted that they will fight against the agencies that facilitate in Spain the bellies of rental: “The exploitation of breeding is prohibited in our system”. “Feminism is not going to back down,” he warned.

Spain empty. the speech of The candidate has reiterated the commitment to tackle what has been defined as a territorial problem, “perhaps less severe [than that of Catalonia], but more extensive”. “The Spain that has been depopulated by the lack of attention”. So, that it has committed to developing the strategy in the face of the demographic challenge, whose foundations were approved last march by the Council of Ministers. He has also listed other measures set out in the covenant with United we Can, as the extension of the coverage of more than 30 megawatts and three jigs for the 100% of citizens at an affordable price, the improvement of the infrastructure and that all populations will be provided with transportation to the head of region. In addition of home health care in locations that do not have a health center.

Education. Sanchez has listed measures which are contained in the covenant with we Can. Among them, that to fithe end of the legislature it will reach 5% of GDP in annual investment in education; the universal education of zero to three years; and the approval of a basic law to repeal the well-known as law Wert, that will imply that the subject of religion as a voluntary and without any alternative. It has also pledged that “no center sustained with public funds may cover any form of segregation” of their students.

Childhood and dignified death. Approve the law on the protection of children against violence “soon.” This is the promise that has made Sanchez. The measure assumes that the time of limitation for sexual offenses against minors does not begin to run until the victim meets 30 years. It has also reiterated the commitment to fight child poverty with scholarships to dining room and for the school material for disadvantaged families, as well as to increase the allowance for a dependent child who receive the vulnerable households. The president has also committed with the approval of a law on euthanasia. And has reaffirmed its intention that the investment in health to reach the 7% at the end of the legislature.

Other measures. Sanchez has been considered “a priority” to develop the law of Science —”Spain can and should be a country for Science”—; encourage an animal welfare act; execute the plan of equalizing the salaries of the Police and the Civil Guard with the bodies of regional security; and to repeal article 324 of the criminal procedure act, which limits the time limits in order to instruct the court cases of corruption.

With information of Pilar Álvarez, María Sosa and Manuel V. Gómez .