The british House of Commons has approved definitely this Thursday, by 330 votes in favour and 231 against, the Agreement of Withdrawal from the EU. The text will be debated next week in the House of Lords, where it was not expected to come forward no amendment against it. Once completed this last phase, the Brexit will be a legal reality in the Uk and everything will be ready to leave the institutions of the community the next day 31.


Johnson succeeds in a most overwhelming and sinking to the labour in the elections in the Uk “people are bored of politicians”

The text was approved without problems in first reading before the christmas holidays, with the new conservative majority achieved by Boris Johnson in the general election held last December 12. The further procedure in the parliamentary commission has been conducted in a record time of three days.

as of the last day of January is a transition period of 11 months for London and Brussels to negotiate the new relationship policy and trade of the two blocks. The president of the European Commission, and Ursula Von der Leyen, who visited the Uk this Wednesday, as he warned that, without an extension of that period, it would be impossible to close a deal that gets complex, and that “it would be necessary to establish priorities.” Johnson has included in the text approved this Friday by the House the prohibition of extending the transition period beyond 31 December 2020, in a clear signal to the eurosceptics in his party that is not will be immersed in a never-ending negotiations as the one that starred his predecessor, Theresa May.