The president of Cantabria, Miguel Angel Revilla, is willing to work with the Government of Pedro Sánchez, despite not being supported by its endowment. The leader of the Party’s Regionalist of Cantabria announced this Thursday that he is willing to vote in favor of the Budget if the accounts envisaged in the agreements reached by his party with the PSOE before the endowment failed of July. Revilla warned the socialists cantabrians: “I’m Not angry”.

The tone of Revilla was rough from beginning to end, but it served as a balm. The tension was at maximum until Wednesday night, when the socialists recularon in his threat of breaking the coalition PRC-PSOE in the Government of cantabria. Tap a clean slate. Now, the president cantabrian requires increasing investments in Cantabria. The PRC showed on Thursday willing to work with Sanchez in topics related to the social agenda agreed with United we Can. “We are a progressive party”, defended on Thursday the president of an autonomous region at a press conference. José María Mazón, the only member of the PRC in the Congress, which voted not to Sánchez, pointed out that the regionalists will support “unconditionally” to the central Executive and not think “boycott”, but asking you to “respect agreements” to foster the infrastructure of Cantabria signed in June. The document includes a commitment of the future Government to build the train from Santander to Bilbao, reports Juan Navarro.

Revilla criticized the threats of his partners in the regional government and assured that his training is not broke the pact with the PSOE because, he argued, that agreement was only valid for the legislature to pass. This vision is completely opposite to that of the socialists, have said in recent days that the covenant was broken at the time that the PRC withdrew its support for Sánchez. This change in the direction of the vote is justified, according to Revilla, because “the PSOE changed its position with regard to the pro-independence Catalan that he had stood up before the elections of the 10-N, when Sanchez showed a tougher line. The agreement with Esquerra Republicana forced to the regionalists to change the script, something which surprised Ferraz. Despite the fact that the president of Cantabria argues that it wants to maintain the coalition in the regional Government, criticized the attitude of the PSOE cantabria: “I am Not willing to continue in a coalition in which put in doubt the loyalty of the president of an autonomous region”. Only a few hours before, the vice-cantabrian and spokesman of the regional Executive, the socialist Paul Zuloaga, appeared at the press conference after the Council of Government. A meeting that was marked by tension. Revilla and his vice-president had not spoken to since a week ago. In the appearance of Zuloaga also, there was a decrease in the tensions between the two parties. The leader of the PSOE cantabria bore hard against Revilla: “To me no one going to give me lessons of loyalty”.

The formation of Revilla has been convened for Monday, the monitoring committee of the pact of Government. The executive committee of the Party’s Regionalist put on the table two conditions for maintaining the agreement with the socialists: that “respect for the figure of the president autonomous regions” and “compliance with the agreements” in infrastructure signed last summer. “The people of Cantabria will not tolerate humiliation, or retaliation,” said Revilla.