The Regional Assembly of Murcia has validated this Friday, the decree law on the Comprehensive Protection of the Mar Menor that the Government of murcia, formed by PP and Citizens, approved the 26th of December. Both parties, along with Vox, have voted in favour of the text, which means that it will enter into force as it was presented by the Council of Government. But their content is not definitive: the Parliament itself will be able to modify it, because it will be processed as a bill, as they had to order the PSOE and We, as the party orange has added its vote to the proposal. The decree law aims to regulate the use of socio-economic living in the mar Menor to reduce the pressures on both agricultural and urban development that have led to the lagoon to collapse.

For the speaker in parliament of Citizens, Juan Jose Molina, in recognition of the decree of the PP and ask for their conversion into project of law does not stances are contradictory. The text approved by the Government, of which his party is a part, is “ambitious,” “restrictive,” “good” and “powerful”, but it is also “upgradeable”. The procedure in the Regional Assembly will allow the political parties to submit amendments that would modify the text. The PSOE had already announced its intention to request an extension of the strip of the exclusion of use of fertilizers, established by the decree passed in 500 meters from the line of coast, something that the vice-president of the regional Government, Isabel Franco, of Citizens, says that his party is also studying. This measure attracted criticism from several sectors that are considered useless due to the few crops that exist in this perimeter. The Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura (CHS) estimates that in him there are only 136 hectares of irrigated land out of a total of 60,000 in the basin.


Murcia approves a decree law to recover the mar Menor but admits that it is not enough half of The funds of the mar Menor have been devastated

While in Cartagena, where is located the Parliament, there was a debate even on the recognition or not of the decree, in Murcia Franco denied in a press conference a “crisis” in the bosom of the Executive. When the 26th of December the directors oranges passed the decree, did so out of “loyalty” to their partners of the PP and now they ask for it to become law, also by loyalty, but with the society, because the discussion of the rule can only “enrich it”, he said.

The president of the autonomous community, Fernando López Miras, of the PP, has not ruled on this issue after Citizens announced that it would support the stance of the socialist party this Thursday night. Hours before had been limited to reminding their partners that the decree also bears his signature. This Friday he has canceled his participation in a public ceremony that was scheduled to attend in Murcia.

In the Regional Assembly, the spokesman of the popular, Joaquín Mowing, they repeated them to their partners that they themselves participated in the elaboration of the decree and were accused of “having fallen into the trap” laid out by the PSOE, because the parliamentary process to bring forward a bill lasts for months. In fact, will not begin until February, when it will be period of sessions, since the month of January is a holiday in the House (the decree has not been validated by the plenary, but by the Permanent committee, composed of 19 of the 45 deputies). Once you begin a new period of sessions, the parliamentary process includes a plenary session to discuss potential amendments to the whole and, if you do not come forward, the creation of a commission that will deliberate on the articles of the law and the groups can present amendments. At the end of this commission, which can go on for weeks, its members produced a report that gets to go to the plenary, where you can discuss the amendments that had not been approved before. The final step is the vote of the law, also in the plenary.

The speaker in parliament of Vox, Juan José messing around, which has voted with the PP in against of converting the decree into law, it has not lost the opportunity of noting the disagreements between the members of the Executive: “you Ever heard of a Government had become opposed to itself,” he pointed out, assuring that it is “astonished” by the “desertion” of Citizens, which called for force to resign to the vice president.