The EU border Agency Frontex has set due to an increased influx of refugees the alert level for all EU borders to Turkey to “high”. At the same time, Greece reinforced its units along the border to Turkey.

The government in Athens threw the Turkey to move refugees and migrants with false information, to Greece and to come into the EU. According to UN data, around 13’000 people remain on the Turkish side in the cold.

EU Commissioner for Migration, Margaritis Schinas requested a speedy special meeting of EU interior Ministers. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had said on Saturday that borders with the EU were opened for migrants.

The Greek security authorities feared that thousands of refugees and migrants in the camp since Friday, on the Turkish side of the border, would try in the night to go to Greece. This happened according to Reports on the state of broadcasting, not ERT so far. Also, on the Bulgarian border remained calm. Not a single refugee has happened to the Bulgarian government, according to the border.

allegations in Turkey

The Greek Minister of defence Nikos Panagiotopoulos accused the Turkey, meanwhile, the influx of migrants at the border is organized. Alone, on the Evros, the Greek police prevented, according to the latest figures, nearly 10’000 people to cross this border, such as the migration Ministry in Athens announced on Sunday. The Greek Ministry of foreign Affairs, spoke of a targeted disinformation campaign in Turkey.

government sources in Athens said the Turkish President instrument to streamline the office, the millions of refugees and migrants in his country, in order to force the EU to pay him more money so he could continue his policy and military action in Syria. Greece have to do with the war in Syria and will not pay the price for it, had the head of the government, Mitsotakis said on Friday.

The Turkish interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said on Sunday on Twitter, until the Morning 76’358 people of the Turkish province of Edirne from the border to the EU, would have happened.

The Turkish communications Director Fahrettin Altun wrote on Twitter, Syrian refugees were not forced to leave Turkey. They were still under “temporary protection”. “You can stay if you want. You can go to if you want.”

Increased patrols in Aegean sea

were Strengthened after the Greek government, and also the patrols in the sea information tight between the Greek Islands and the Turkish coast of the Aegean. On Sunday morning, 400 people arrived according to Reports from Greek TV channel on the island of Lesbos. “More boats are on the way. The Turkish coast guard will not stop you,” said the news Agency DPA, an officer of the coast guard on Sunday.

According to the UN Organisation for Migration (IOM) remain on the Turkish side of the border more than 13’000 people. Another cold night with Frost was imminent, wrote the organization on Twitter. Among them, many of them children-are supposed to be.

Pope Francis spoke on Sunday in Rome after the prayer over the critical situation of Displaced persons and migrants, without specific to a Region, such as Syria, or the borders of Turkey, to respond. “In these days the has become very strong. We pray for you,” he said.

EU Commissioner for Migration, Margaritis Schinas requested a speedy special meeting of EU interior Ministers. A request he had addressed to the government in Croatia, which currently holds the EU presidency, wrote Schinas on Twitter. In addition, he will advise further with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the EU Commissioner for Ylva Johansson, and the Greek head of government, Kyriakos Mitsotakis over the Situation, added the EU-Vice-President of the Commission.

Frontex increased alert level

The EU border Agency Frontex is due to an increased influx, the alarm level for all the EU borders to Turkey to “high” set. You have received also of Greece, the request for reinforcements, said Frontex. It had already been taken steps to appoint additional officials as well as technical equipment.

Frontex has stationed according to their own figures, nearly 400 employees in the Greek Islands, and another 60 in Bulgaria. A small contingent stop on the Greek side of the border with Turkey. It’ll also monitored the situation on Cyprus.

The Greek border police and special units of riot police were deployed on Friday and Saturday tear gas and stun grenades to prevent large groups of refugees and migrants to come to the already closed border crossing at Kastanies/Pazarkule from Turkey to Greece.

Turkey took 3.6 million Syrian refugees

Turkey has around 3.6 million refugees from Syria are recorded. In a refugee Pact with the EU by 2016, the Turkey has actually says, and to combat irregular Migration to proceed. The agreement also stipulates that the EU can send all of the refugees and migrants who come illegally via Turkey to the Greek Islands, and back.

In return, the EU takes regular Syrians from Turkey. Ankara also receives financial support for the care of refugees in the country. On Friday, the EU had made it clear that they expect Turkey to abide by the agreement. (roy/SDA)

Created: 01.03.2020, 15:39 PM